Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Review Of System ROS Versus Gordon Health Assessment Essay

Review Of System ROS Versus Gordon Health Assessment - Essay Example While in the Gordon functional assessment is where the nurses entail on issues regarding the metabolic processes of the patient. This is where the nurse digs out about the fluids that the patient takes. On Review of the system, matters concerning allergies, it's extremely critical to these patients. A bee sting can cause enormous swelling. There are also matters to do with cat and dogs fur. Some patients suffer from different complications. While In the Gordon functional assessment the nurse inquiries on matters on elimination patterns. This is where the nurse asks the patients about matters regarding constipations. In Gordon assessment, the Nurses addresses on issues concerning the activity and exercises that the patient Takes every day. Between the two discussed health assessment methods, I would prefer the Gordon health assessment method. This is because Gordon entails more on the patients and it also gives the patient a solution to the problems. This is because the nurse focuses on various issues regarding the patient. These issues are like the activity and exercises. There is also the issue of pain where the nurse asks the patient about the sensory experience. The nurse also focuses on sleep and the rest of the patient, role of the sexuality on how the patient feels about his sexuality, values, and beliefs and also faces stress and a solution is given on how he tolerate the stress. So I would recommend the nurses to use the Gordon functional assessment because it entails on the emotions and patterns of the patients.

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