Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Risks in Becoming Oneself in Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 5

Risks in Becoming Oneself in Society - Essay Example The first risk that is related to becoming oneself is related to the culture and the surrounding pressures that are in each environment. This comes from the pressures that others place on you, specifically which can cause one to lose their true self. In my instance, I find that there is a lot of pressure that comes from different social groups. The first social group that tries to define my personal identity is the peer group that I am surrounded by. Going to college is one that automatically changes this peer identity and leads into a definition from the old group to the newer groups that are into different activities and concepts. However, neither of these groups can truly identify the personality and the true self. Understanding which parts of my identity fit into this group, as well as which I have to overcome, both create a different risk. Some of the risks is one that is established with my choices of identity and what will be accepted, while others relate to what doesn’ t fit into groups and how to approach this within different groups. The second concept that applies to my identity and the way that it is redefined by different social groups is with the family and surrounding friends in different age groups. Most of the relations that I have outside of school and from the college environment are older than I am. This is related to the identity that most expect me to have at the age of 17, as well as how this relates to the expectations of the age, culture, and understanding at this age. Family and older acquaintances often assume that I will act or be a specific way, which causes a loss of respect. This identity is one that continuously has to be battled and approached with changed attitudes so the idea of my age doesn’t interfere with the inner belief of who I am.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Romanticism in American Lit Essay Example for Free

Romanticism in American Lit Essay anRomanticism in American Literature brought us some of the worlds greatest writers ever to live. Writers such as Edgar Allan Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Henry David Thoreau all wrote during the Romanticism period. Without them we would not have stories such Moby Dick, Resistance to Civil Government, The American Scholar, The Scarlet Letter, and Edgar Allan Poe’s most notorious works such as The Raven and Annabel lee. The Romanticism movement started in Europe and in the late 1820’s it worked its way into America. It was aimed as a rebellion against the enlightenment movement. It was also referred to as the American Renaissance because it was the rebirth of literary values lost previously in the enlightenment era and Puritanism era. American Romanticism was in a broad sense a new attitude toward nature, humanity, and society that espoused individualism and freedom. Characteristics of romanticism writing included the power of imagination, impulse towards reform, admiration for nature, and the fascination with death and the supernatural. Romanticism literature had two very different sides to it, one being optimistic and the other is pessimistic. On the optimistic side you had writers such as Walt Whitman, Margaret Fuller, Henry David Thoreau, and Ralph Waldo Emerson. Pessimistic writers included Edgar Allen Poe, Herman Melville, and Nathaniel Hawthorne. Edgar Allan Poe was a very dark romanticist and was also a very deeply pessimistic writer, but in a philosophical kind of way. He wrote poems, novels, and essays throughout his writing career, and he even developed the style of southern gothic writing. His poems often portray a character in despair and he explores the state of the mind a lot. Another trait of Poe is he uses a lot of symbolism and imagery for example his use of darkness and light in the poem â€Å"Annabel Lee†. Poe implies that the â€Å"kingdom by the sea† is a bright, cheerful place where the sun shines on two young lovers, the narrator and Annabel Lee. Ironically, in another realm of dazzling light–heaven–the highest order of angels, the Seraphim grow dark with envy of the young couple. Under cover of night, they send a cold wind that kills Annabel Lee: The wind came out of the cloud by night, Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee. But the narrator says he remains in a realm of light, for his soul and the soul of Annabel Lee are one. In the last couple lines, Poe emphasizes this point with light imagery: â€Å"For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams, Of the beautiful Annabel Lee; And the stars never rise but I feel the bright eyes, Of the beautiful Annabel Lee† (679). Poe’s writing goes down in history for being some of the best literary works to ever come out of this period in American literature. Poe was a pessimistic writer on the other hand was Henry David Thoreau who was a very optimistic writer. One quote a found from Thoreau was just to â€Å"love your life†. In his essay â€Å"Resistance to Civil Government† he shows his rebellion in committing to governments values and ideas. Is very clearly stated at the beginning when Thoreau says â€Å"The Government is best which governs least† (829). Thoreau was a strong believer of take action for our own principles and to start thinking for ourselves and if you want change make it happen if you think it’s right. Ultimately he was jailed for his beliefs. Those including not believing for paying for stuff that didn’t benefit people and also for not supporting the Mexican American war, but Thoreau said to make changes sometimes good people have to go to jail. The romanticism period came to an end in the mid 1860’s, and In conclusion the romanticism period in America was a chance for writers to break out of the cookie cutter mold of previous era’s and a chance for writers to get their views and ideas out to the world through their literature. Romanticism writing can be broken up into eight different key ideas. Individualism is the idea that every person on earth knows God in their own way, and we will find truth for ourselves. Emerson and Melville often fall into the category of individualism. Organicism is the concept that society or the universe is comparable to a biological organism, as in development or organization, everything is connected. Unity and diversity stated that things are made up of many parts, but they all come together to make a one whole object. Dynamic change is the idea that the whole world brought us to this one moment yet the world is in a constant state of change. Imagination, originality, emotional, and finally nature.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Problems Of Philosophy, by Bertrand Russell :: The Problems Of Philosophy Essays

The value of Philosophy is, in fact, to be sought largely in its uncertainty. The man who has no tincture of Philosophy goes through life imprisoned in the prejudices derived from common sense, from the habitual beliefs of his age or his nation, and from the convictions which have grown up in his mind without the co-operation of his deliberate reason. Bertrand Russell, The Problems of Philosophy. Philosophy is commonly thought of as an activity reserved for Oxbridge high- brows; or a sort of intellectual table-tennis indulged in by the Ancient Greeks to while the time away before television came along. Russell suggests that it may actually serve a purpose for everyone. In the first line, Russell is clearly contrasting his own belief in the inherent uncertainty of philosophy with the attitude of those people who dedicate their lives to a search for the "right" theory, in an attempt to understand the "truth" about human nature. He argues that, were a philosopher to write the perfect, unanswerable theory, the solution to life, the universe and everything, then philosophy would itself become responsible for inducing the very mental laziness which it should help us to avoid. Disagreement and debate between the adherents of rival theories is, moreover, essential to the health of philosophy. Just as many major advances of science are catalysed by war, so the great intellectual insights are sparked by discussion. If there were universal agreement on one philosophical theory, then all further thought would be rendered useless. (See p.319, Small World by David Lodge: "†¦what matters in the field of critical practice is not truth but difference. If everybody were convinced by your arguments, they would have to do the same as you and then there would be no satisfaction in doing it.") Russell talks of three different factors involved in the formation of prejudice. Each is considered in detail below. The first type of prejudice is derived from common sense. This is interesting: it appears that Russell is suggesting that common sense is to be avoided. The Concise Oxford Dictionary defines common sense as "sound, practical sense, especially in everyday matters". In theory, any sound sense is to be welcomed, where appropriate; the distinction to be made here is between applying common sense to mundane problems, which Russell would certainly not advise against, and taking it out of context as a set of rules which can be followed without any further thought, no matter what the circumstances. For example, if you are feeling hungry, and you are holding a biscuit, then a philosophical debate is not required to reach the conclusion that you eat the biscuit: it's common sense. The Problems Of Philosophy, by Bertrand Russell :: The Problems Of Philosophy Essays The value of Philosophy is, in fact, to be sought largely in its uncertainty. The man who has no tincture of Philosophy goes through life imprisoned in the prejudices derived from common sense, from the habitual beliefs of his age or his nation, and from the convictions which have grown up in his mind without the co-operation of his deliberate reason. Bertrand Russell, The Problems of Philosophy. Philosophy is commonly thought of as an activity reserved for Oxbridge high- brows; or a sort of intellectual table-tennis indulged in by the Ancient Greeks to while the time away before television came along. Russell suggests that it may actually serve a purpose for everyone. In the first line, Russell is clearly contrasting his own belief in the inherent uncertainty of philosophy with the attitude of those people who dedicate their lives to a search for the "right" theory, in an attempt to understand the "truth" about human nature. He argues that, were a philosopher to write the perfect, unanswerable theory, the solution to life, the universe and everything, then philosophy would itself become responsible for inducing the very mental laziness which it should help us to avoid. Disagreement and debate between the adherents of rival theories is, moreover, essential to the health of philosophy. Just as many major advances of science are catalysed by war, so the great intellectual insights are sparked by discussion. If there were universal agreement on one philosophical theory, then all further thought would be rendered useless. (See p.319, Small World by David Lodge: "†¦what matters in the field of critical practice is not truth but difference. If everybody were convinced by your arguments, they would have to do the same as you and then there would be no satisfaction in doing it.") Russell talks of three different factors involved in the formation of prejudice. Each is considered in detail below. The first type of prejudice is derived from common sense. This is interesting: it appears that Russell is suggesting that common sense is to be avoided. The Concise Oxford Dictionary defines common sense as "sound, practical sense, especially in everyday matters". In theory, any sound sense is to be welcomed, where appropriate; the distinction to be made here is between applying common sense to mundane problems, which Russell would certainly not advise against, and taking it out of context as a set of rules which can be followed without any further thought, no matter what the circumstances. For example, if you are feeling hungry, and you are holding a biscuit, then a philosophical debate is not required to reach the conclusion that you eat the biscuit: it's common sense.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Homosexuality Is Not a Psychological Disorder

In the past, homosexuality was considered to be a psychological disorder, up until the APA removed it from its list of mental illnesses. This was due to the fact that homosexuality causes no form of impairment on the individual’s judgment, stability, reliability, or general social and or vocational abilities. This decision made over 30 years ago, has caused a lot of criticism, many believe that the APA’s decision was made due to the amount of influence that the homosexual activism and not according to the scientific data that was collected. There are two possible sides to this assumption about whether or not homosexuality is and should be considered a psychological disorder. According to an article published in the Scientific Controversies: Case Studies in the Resolution and Closure of Disputes in Science and Technology, edited by H. Tristam Engelhardt Jr. , and Arthur Caplan, Cambridge U. Press, 1987. Dr. Irving Bieber, described the attempts for psychiatry to adopt a new perspective regarding sexual normality. During this time the psychiatric professions were moving from the established psychoanalytic theories based on unconscious motivations, in which they claimed that if you cannot visible see distress, dysfunction, and or disability among psychological conditions then it isn’t seen as being disordered. Dr. Bieber while attempting to describe the difficulty of classifying homosexuality concluded that homosexuality was not a normal sexual adaptation. When the APA adapted a new set of criteria for defining psychological disorders, Bieber argued that psychopathology, which could possible show signs of distress, social functioning, and the ability to work effectively could be present in psychopathology. Many others agree that homosexuality is indeed a psychological disorder, and argue that it actually stems from unhappiness in the family that leads to more unhappiness throughout their lives. Many individuals refer to it not being God’s will thus it is constituted as abnormal, thus it is a mental disorder. On the other hand, homosexuality is defined as being attracted to or aroused by individuals of the same sex. Homosexuality is considered not to be a mental disorder due to the fact that their actions don’t impair their ability to function either at work or in their personal lives. Homosexuality doesn’t have an effect on their ability to function or hinder their ability to handle their responsibilities at work, nor does it prevent them from being able to create and maintain long lasting and healthy personal relationships. Homosexuals are just as psychologically healthy as any heterosexual is. The infamous Sigmund Freud and Havelock Ellis adopted a more accepting stance regarding homosexuality. Ellis in 1901, argued that homosexuality was inborn thus it wasn’t immoral, that it wasn’t truly a disease, and many homosexuals had contributed outstandingly in society. Sigmund Freud had another stance about homosexuality, and that was that he felt that all human beings were innately bisexual, and those they actually become either homosexual or heterosexual as the result of their past experiences with their parents and others. Either way Freud agreed with Ellis that homosexuality shouldn’t be viewed as a form of pathology. In a very famous letter that Freud wrote to a mother back in 1935, he stated that homosexuality cannot be considered as an illness, and that he considered it to be a variation of sexual function produced by certain area of sexual development. He then went on to note that many highly respectable figures throughout both ancient and modern times have been homosexual including Plato and Leonardo Da Vinci. In 1957, psychologist Evelyn Hooker conducted a study in which she asked if homosexuals and heterosexuals differed in their psychological adjustments. She then recruited a group of homosexuals who were considered to be functioning normally in society. Then she employed a procedure asking experts to rate the adjustment among the men without previously knowing their sexual orientation. Her study concluded that homosexuality was in no way a clinical entity nor was it associated with psychopathology. In conclusion, Homosexuality is not a psychological disorder. The APA’s board of directors chose to remove it from the DSM- IV- TR, due to the great deal of data collected, along with the changing among social norms and the development of homosexual and gay activist organizations. We have to also take into consideration that by labeling homosexuality we quickly are exhibiting discrimination against those individuals. There is nothing in regards to homosexuality that would cause a great deal of distress and or cause them impairment in their ability to function normally. Their sexual preference shouldn’t be considered as a being a psychological disorder. The fact that an individual prefers the same gender doesn’t mean at all that they have a mental illness, it doesn’t affect their ability to be outstanding members in society, nor does it directly hinder their ability to unction. Psychological disorders are defined as the individuals behavior or thoughts that impacts their life altogether and as causing a significant amount of distress for the individual. Homosexuality does not mean distress for these individuals, it is merely preference. If homosexuality was considered to be a psychological disorder, we take away the right to privacy after a ll sexuality is private; we would also be taking away the right to happiness, the right for them to make their own choices, the right for them to be them. How can the choice that they choose to make in their private life that doesn’t have any effect on their ability to function nor does it cause distress to them be considered a psychological disorder? They are not seen as being harmful to themselves or others by living their life the way that they choose to. Their sexual preference has no effect on how their psychological functioning, thus homosexuality is not a psychological disorder. It doesn’t affect their ability to think, feel, act, and the ability for them to become functioning members of society. Reference

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Ancient Chinese Contributions

The world owes a lot to the Chinese for all the major contributions and innovations they introduced. For example, during the Era of Disunity (approx. 220-581 AD) the ancient Chinese invented kites, matches, umbrellas and much more (â€Å"Inventions,† â€Å"n. d. †). The Yuan dynasty brought us paper money, blue and white porcelain and several other contributions (â€Å"Inventions,† â€Å"n. d. †). The discovery of making gunpowder came from the Tang dynasty (200AD) (â€Å"Inventions,† â€Å"n. d. ); the list goes on. The most significant contributions came from the Han dynasty (approx. 202 BC-220 AD) introducing moveable rudder and sails, cast iron technology, wheel barrow, and the hot air balloon (â€Å"Chinese culture,† 2007-2011). More importantly, the Han dynasty brought to the world the manufacturing of paper, the compass and the production of Chinese silk (â€Å"contributions,† 2003-2012). The four most ingenious or innovative c ontributions are paper, the compass, printing and silk. Europeans thought of Chinese silk as elegant and traders would pay the same weight in gold for this high commodity. Silk was traded along the â€Å"silk road†, another ancient Chinese innovation, which stretched from the Yellow River valley to the Mediterranean, nearly five thousand miles long (Sayre, 2011, p. 224). The silk road was the doorway to the spread of ideas, religions and technologies to the rest of the world. The ancient Chinese taught the world how to harvest silk from silk worms along with paper making, glass making and printing. The first printing technique put to use was block printing, a very lengthy process, from the ancient Tang dynasty. Much time and labor went into block printing, but once the carved block is finished, the advantages of high efficiency and large printing amount made it very worthwhile (â€Å"Chinese culture,† 2007-2011). The printing technique was enhanced with moveable type printing during the Song dynasty by the inventor Bi Sheng. Moveable type printing greatly boosted printing efficiency by reducing block making time. Other advantages were, moveable type was smaller and easier to store and can also be used repeatedly, saving materials (â€Å"Chinese culture,† 2007-2011). We wouldn’t need printing techniques if we did not have the creative invention of paper, also brought to us by the ancient Chinese. Before the invention of paper, characters were written on animal bones, turtle backs or stones (â€Å"Chinese culture,† 2007-2011). The Han dynasty produced paper from fibrous hemp, which later, improvements in technique and quality introduced by Cai Lun were made using silk rags, hemp and tree bark. His method, although now simplified, is still used today (Sayre, 2011, p. 226). It is hard to imagine the world without this ingenious invention. Everything we learn comes from some form of media printed on paper, whether it’s a book, magazine, newspaper, encyclopedia or journal. Can you imagine all of us walking around with our clay I Pads? The compass is another great contribution to the world by the ancient Chinese. It was used primarily for religious purposes to determine if a building being constructed was facing the right direction so it could be in perfect harmony with nature. The early compass resembled a wooden circle which had a number of marks on it along with a magnetic spoon on the top (â€Å"contributions,† 2003-2012). Today’s compass is probably the most important navigation tool we have. A mariner wouldn’t dare set out to sea without a compass, nor would a pilot take a flight without a compass, for fear of getting lost. Of all the many contributions given us by the ancient Chinese, the one I could not live without would be the combination of printing and paper. How would I learn without being able to research a book or reference an encyclopedia? In my career, it takes a reference manual to complete a project or task safely and properly. I would miss being able to sit down and read a relaxing novel or magazine in my spare time. I just cannot imagine not having this wonderful contribution. I praise the ancient Chinese for all they have given us.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Miller introduces the character of Absolon Essays

The Miller introduces the character of Absolon Essays The Miller introduces the character of Absolon Paper The Miller introduces the character of Absolon Paper In the Millers Prologue and tale, Chaucer describes each character in great detail. The Miller is also graphically described to us in the general prologue to the tales. Key characters such as Alisoun, Nicholas and John are all described in detail, and Absolon is no acceptation.  This section is important as it introduces and describes Absolon. He is introduced by a lengthy detailed description. We learn he has many talents such that he can play songes on a small rubbile and song som time a loud quinible. However, although this lengthy section does describe Absolon, it has far more significance than just introducing him to the tale, he is characterised as the satirised courtly lover; a deliberate device used by Chaucer in his bawdy fabliau.  Firstly, Chaucer depicts Absolon as attractive but with a feminine slant. To some this may be attractive, but to Alisoun, it certainly isnt. His hair is described; Crul was his heer, and as the gold it shoon. We also learn he eyes were as greye as goos and that he has Poules window corven on his shoos. This description is important because he is described similar to a courtly lover. Clearly, he is ridiculous and fails as the ideal courtly lover, which lies at the heart of Chaucers deliberate use of satire. There are some elements of Absolons character that fit the ideals of courtly love, although he is still an object of satire, such as his appearance but there are also other aspects of his character in this section that clearly dont conform to those of a courtly lover.  In the section, we find out that Absolon takes an interest in women, however his interaction with them doesnt match that of a courtly lover, again highlighting Chaucers important use of satire in this section and throughout the tale. When we learn that In al the toun nas bewhous ne taverne that he ne visited with his solas, there any gailard tappester was we can establish that this wouldnt be typical behaviour of a courtly lover. The ideal courtly lover would woo their lady by charm and by worshiping her; they would appreciate that she is a lofty creature, worthy to be served. This is further demonstrated when we are told that Absolon abuses what authority he has within the church. When we read that to look on hire him thoughte a mirie lyf it could be suggested that Absolon isnt prepared to go any further than simply gaze at her. In a way, this could be true of a courtly lover as Absolon could be said to be showing respect to the lady. However, this could also be for another reason; that he is squeamish towards bodily functions; again, the satirised courtly lover as a true courtly lover wouldnt have been that feminine. Conversely, in the next two lines we read that if she hadde been a mous, and he a cat, he wolde hire hente anon. Whilst this shows some reference to gratifying Absolons sexual desires, Chaucer lacks to write in the same detail as he does when he writes about Nicholas satisfying his sexual desires. When Nicholas is wooing Alisoun, his language is far more vivid and descript, this is clear when he caughte hire by the queynte. This contrast is important in the section because it again demonstrates that Absolon is hopeless. Although it is hard for Nicholas to be described as a courtly lover, he is getting far more female attention than Absolon, who could be described as conforming to the rules of courtly love more closely than Nicholas. This again, could be suggested that Chaucer is using satire in this rather subtle point, and possibly foregrounding the unrealistic nature of courtly love. A few lines later Chaucer reveals that Absolon took noon offringe from Alisoun because For curteisie, he seide, he wolde noon. This translates to Absolon not taking offerings from Alisoun because good manners forbade it. Here, Chaucer uses good manners as an excuse for Alisoun not paying the church and the only reason she doesnt pay is because of how Absolon feels about her. It could be said that Chaucer simply writes about good manners and courtesy to protect himself, as it could have a deeper meaning. It could be suggested that Chaucer is making a point about the church, and even using it as an object of satire through Absolon. It could be said that the idea of courtly love and wooing a woman is placed before the church, as in this case, courtly love and wooing has defeated and come before the church. Therefore, it could be said that he is showing a certain weakness in the church and religion, and that courtly love or the power of woman triumphs over the church. As highlighted previously, Chaucer possibly puts this in a very subtle way to protect his own identity in real society. It could then be suggested that this mirrors that of the context of the tale. On the pilgrimage, society as a whole would have been represented. There would have been religious figures such as the priest and the nun, and less religious figures such as the Miller and the Shipman. By making his point subtle, it would ensure there would be no objections at the end of the tale. Ultimately this is what happens, the pilgrims show the opposite to objections and in fact all laugh. This cuts across social boundaries and brings the pilgimrs together as one community.  Therefore, in this sense the section describing Absolon is highly important, and even central to the Millers prologue and tale. Chaucer uses it as a springboard to explore many wider issues that avail in society, such as the satire of the courtly lover and the possibly criticism of the church.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Effects of the Zoroastrianism Afterlife Scheme on their Ethical Teachings Essay Example

Effects of the Zoroastrianism Afterlife Scheme on their Ethical Teachings Essay Example Effects of the Zoroastrianism Afterlife Scheme on their Ethical Teachings Paper Effects of the Zoroastrianism Afterlife Scheme on their Ethical Teachings Paper For believers of Zoroastrianism, where a soul goes in the afterlife is determined by a balance between good and bad deeds.   The good deeds of a person have to outweigh his bad deeds for him/her to be able to enjoy ‘heaven’ in the afterlife.   For those whose deeds weight out equally, there is some kind of purgatory or mid-level where they are sent, considering that in Zoroastrianism, there are various levels in hell.   Bad deeds can be cleansed by way of confession or by the transfer of supererogatory merits; hence, leeway is left for human weakness. Based on this concept of the afterlife, it would be safe to say that Zoroastrianism teachings focus on people having to collect more good deeds than bad deeds while they are still alive.   As is with other religions, believers of Zoroastrianism, focus their energies on committing good deeds.   There is a catch to this, however, that may affect how believers live their life.   There is a very real possibility that believers would still commit bad deeds with the confidence that if they commit enough good deeds, their bad deeds would still be outweighed.   Their teachings of dualism, where there is a fight between good and evil, and where the triumph of good is always assured, adds to this concept of balancing between good and bad.   In other words, no matter how many bad deeds you commit, you can still enter heaven as long as you commit enough good deeds to gain entrance.   There is one thing of note in this particular concept though, who counts how many good or bad deeds o ne has committed?   Is there any way of knowing if your good deeds have already outweighed your bad deeds?   Despite the focus of Zoroastrianism teachings on the collection of good deeds, there is no disputing the possibility Effects of the  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   3 that people will tend to manipulate and abuse this religion’s concept of the afterlife.   Zoroastrians focus on self-regulation in their teachings, and human as we are, there is always that possibility of going beyond these teachings or using these teachings as a scapegoat as most Christians do nowadays. Effects of the  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   4 References Zoroastrianism Religion Facts. 20 Feb. 2009

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Iliad Outline

Iliad Outline Book OneSupplication. Plague. Quarrel. Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book I Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book II Paris Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book III Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book IV Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book V Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book VI Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book VII Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book VIII Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book IX Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book X Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book XI Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book XII Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book XIII Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book XIV Apollo Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book XV Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book XVI Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book XVII Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book XVIII Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book XIX Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book XX Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book XXI Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book XXII Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book XXIII Summary and Main Characters of the Iliad Book XXIV

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Risk management and international finance Assignment

Risk management and international finance - Assignment Example The main advantages of these methods including variance is that they allow individual forecasting on the default risk conditions that a company may be subjected especially in terms of loan and macro variables (Apel and Jansson, 1999; Pg. 381). The study will also be vital in determining the portfolio credit risk of the selected institutions over time. In addition, the approach and formulae to be applied will be vital in assessing the extent through which new accords may be applied to towards achieving increased credit risk sensitivity within a minimal capital charge (Ganguin and Bilardello, 2005; Pg. 186). Finally, the study will be vital in comparing the current capital requirement of banks under the proposed Basel system thereby comparing the underlying provision with the suitability or applicability of the same to the Marylebone Bank. Banks are usually vital in driving economy especially due to their saving roles as well as providing capital and credit facilities. Nonetheless, other than government regulation and supervision, the deposit capitals usually require a limit risks for the depositors. These limited risks will ensure that systematic and insolvency risks are reduced. Additionally, these regulations and measures are fundamental in providing restrictions on the working and operation of banks (Morris and Morris, 2005; Pg. 79). Therefore, their vital aspects are to control unnecessary capital requirements by restraining credit provision on needless situation or creditors. Moreover, the same regulations and provisions control the level of capital where inadequate capitals are discouraged since they may lead the bank into undesirable systematic risk levels. The Basel Capital accord was adopted in the year 1988 since which in had an international framework and recognition that applies until today. A group of central banks among other national supervisory authorities initiated the accord.

The Issue of Security in the Country Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Issue of Security in the Country - Assignment Example The reason is with the advanced technology and varying media fraternities that discuss the security issues in a given country, it is difficult for a country to conceal its security status to the world. One developing country that is currently scaring tourists from visiting its country is Kenya. There have been various terror attacks that have been consequent making tourists afraid of visiting the country as they used to (Obadiah, Nicholas and Josephine 23). The clients in this scenario are the government institutions who try to come up with means of curbing the situation in the country. The issue of security has affected the economic sector of the country. As a result, the government of the country has approached the issue by even employing other security officials including the cabinet secretary of security (Obadiah, Nicholas and Josephine 23). This move is aimed at reviving the current issue of security to ensure that tourists can feel safe to tour the country in large numbers like they used to. To curb the current security threat in the country, the country needs to come up with better and creative strategies that will see its tourism sector revert back to normal. One of them includes placing various security officials, who are well trained and better motivated, in all tourist hot spots in the country. Moreover, they should create awareness on the individuals living in the country to ensure that they report crime offenders because most of the individuals who pose a security threat in the country are well known by other individuals. They should ensure that they report them even if they are their friends or relatives to ensure that their security and that of others visiting the country is guaranteed.  

Friday, October 18, 2019

Behavioral Characteristics Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Behavioral Characteristics - Article Example He wanted to stop commercial interests that are busily destroying embryos in order to obtain stem cells. If this conduct amounts to murder as he contends there is nothing to stop the evil act. Most scientists agree that while adult stem cells offer hope of a cure for some of the cruelest diseases and injuries, embryonic stem cells hold even greater and surer promise. But this greater and surer promise should not drive mankind to madly believe that there is nothing to stop him from terrorizing the world as stem cell research would one day create a man that would defy even death and become indestructible. Hate Sites There are hate sites, Web sites that are very disturbing to browse. Web sites that ridicule African Americans, Jews, gays, immigrants and others, but some took it a few steps further by combining bigotry with articles about guns, bombs and other implements of violence. Others were designed deliberately to shock, with displays of swastikas, burning crosses and nooses. One si te mixes hate with stories and photographs that celebrate sex and violence in the most extreme way imaginable. The people who run hate sites don't usually put up even a feeble effort to keep out children. On the contrary, some overtly invite children and teens to participate. Many have music graphics and rhetoric designed to appeal to teens. Children or teenagers who grow browsing these hate sites will become perverted at an early age which is dangerous to the humankind. Racism It is insensitive and unwise because any satisfaction that racism gives to the students who display racist symbols is far outweighed by the discomfort it causes to many others. They must have known that they would upset many fellow students and ignore the decent regard for the feelings of others so essential to building and preserving a strong and harmonious community. No community will become humane and caring by restricting what its members can say. The worst offenders will simply find other ways to irritat e and insult. In talking with students, the faculty members should seek to educate and persuade, rather than resort to ridicule or intimidation, recognizing that only persuasion is likely to produce a lasting, beneficial effect. Through such efforts, an educational institution can help create a truly understanding, supportive community. Otherwise students will become young offenders. Hate Speech Hate speech is a speech that disparages a person or a group on the basis of some characteristic such as race, gender, ethnicity, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, or other characteristic and this may incite violence or prejudicial action against or by a protected individual or group, or because it disparages or intimidates a protected individual or group. Kenneth Lake thinks that the first ever online’ hate speech’ trial will have drastic consequences for free speech on the Internet. â€Å"I personally will make it my life career to find and kill every one of you pers onally† signed Asian Hater, the words of an email message that is to have serious consequences for Internet freedom. They were written by Richard Machdo, a Los Angeles man who was convicted last Tuesday (10/2/98) of sending racist death threats to 59 Asian students. The email accused Asians for the all crimes on campus, and suggested that Machado would personally â€Å"find†, â€Å"hunt down† and â€Å"kill† them if they did not leave the University of California at Irvine. The email was sent from a campus computer and signed â€Å"Asian Hater†. Hate speech rouses unnatural hatred of the members of one people or community for the members of another resulting in civil right violations that would take its toll on world peace. Animal Testing Experiments on animals, with a view to

Learning English in Terms of Globalization Essay

Learning English in Terms of Globalization - Essay Example As such, the advantage in this scenario goes to employees or applicants from countries such as the United States or the United Kingdom, who have been utilizing the English language as their primary language since childhood. However, for one originating from a country such as Iran, in which English is generally not used as the lingua franca, this has some implications. For one thing, these English language learners need are prone to experiencing more difficulty in learning the language that is inversely proportional to its relationship with the student’s mother tongue. For instance, whereas German students should find it easy or at the very least manageable to learn to speak English due to its close relationship with the German tongue, their Chinese peers may have more trouble due to their own language being completely different in comparison (McKay and Schaetzel, 2008). Aside from this, the intricacies of their culture may necessitate favoring one approach to teaching them, as can again be seen in how Chinese students were found to derive more benefit from teacher-led lectures as compared to more unorthodox methods of instruction, such as classroom discussion and learning activities (Jin and Cortazzi, 1998). Needless to say, would-be teachers of English to speakers of other languages need to be especially sensitive to the learning styles and preferences of their students. This being the case, this student has come up with a lesson plan, in line with the standards espoused by, which shall be used in an attempt to teach the English language to speakers of other languages. Besides this, the findings of authoritative studies on the subject were also taken into account in order to come up with a more appropriate, comprehensive and effective lesson plan. The Integration of Content and Language The lesson plan adopted a Content-Language integrated approach, which entails unique structuring of one’s day-to-day lessons. For instance, this require s a working knowledge on the teacher’s part of the 6 characteristics that support learning, as well as of the objectives behind such an approach and the nature of language and content input. The teacher also needs to be able to activate the stock knowledge of his students, in part so he can teach them new words in such a way that they will be retained. The guided practice also needs to be conducted, as do appropriate independent practice activities. Last but not least, the learning achieved by students needs to be assessed, both by the teacher as well as the students themselves. Of course, to better understand what the integration of the Content- and Language-based approach entails, one would be wise to first understand the aims and objectives of the individual approaches.  

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Evaluative Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Evaluative Report - Essay Example Each section in the report analyzes an important component of the essay written by me in order to establish the importance of academic writing skills in essay writing. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Essay Structure 2.1 Essay Introduction Analysis 2.2 Essay Body Analysis 2.3 Essay Conclusion Analysis 3.0 Paragraph Structure 4.0 Linking/Connecting Ideas and Information 5.0 Integrating Evidence 6.0 Referencing 7.0 Conclusions/Recommendations 8.0 List of References 1.0 INTRODUCTION Academic writing is an integral part of most of the academic courses pursued in the current world, and the learners need to produce various types of academic papers such as ‘essay’, ‘position statement’, ‘report’, etc. Analyzing or evaluating one’s academic writing skills has great significance in the background of today’s higher education system as such assessments help in the improvement of academic writing process in the future. The possibilities of one’s career development in today’s academic scenario depend mainly on one’s ability to write convincingly according to the requirements of academic writing. In this evaluative report, a detailed analysis of my academic writing skills demonstrated in Assignment 4 (Essay – final copy) is carried out and it builds upon the structure developed in Assignment 3 (Monitoring – report). ... xiii). Broadly, academic writing may refer to any type of writing done in an academic setting. Essay: An essay may be defined as a short academic composition on a specific topic, having components such as introduction, thesis statement, topic sentences, body paragraphs, conclusion, etc. Position Statement: A position statement can be defined as a type academic paper which clarifies or describes a specific arguable point of view. 2.0 ESSAY STRUCTURE An academic essay is an essential element of academic writing, and it assesses a student’s aptitude to present his thoughts and ideas in a structured manner. An effective essay writing process starts with collecting crucial ideas about the topic, and it is essential to present these ideas in an organized way. Thus, an essay should begin with introducing the thesis and the main arguments in an interesting way, and it should be developed logically through the body-paragraphs, ending with a logical conclusion. Therefore, there are thre e main segments in an essay, i.e. the introduction, the body and the conclusion. 2.1 Essay Introduction Analysis In this section, an analysis of the introduction of the ‘Monitoring – Essay’ is carried out. The introductory section of the essay is as follows: The rate of people developing type 2 diabetes is soaring in the western world; Type 2 Diabetes in recent times was typically regarded as a disease of the middle-aged and elderly. While it still is true that this age-group sustain a higher risk, evidence shows that diagnoses of this disease in people aged less than 30 years is accelerating and in fact becoming quite common. Even once active children and

Business plan for a restaurant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Business plan for a restaurant - Essay Example The business should get to meet its financial targets and be aware of its financial position. The business should aspire to meet its social responsibility by running profitably, ethically and in accordance to the legislations and regulations (LLC 2010, p. 67). Goals The restaurants goals shall get tied to its mission and vision statements. The goals should be SMART; specific, measurable, realistic, achievable, and timely (Hatten 2011, p.88). The restaurant’s goals shall allow the business to plan and understand its point of success. The goals shall not become fixed as they will get updated with time as the business proceeds. The restaurant team should aim to achieve the business goals and assist to ensure they are met for the eventual success of the business (LLC 2010, p. 77). The restaurant’s goals shall be to provide impeccable and irresistible service by showing graciousness, warmth, efficiency, knowledge, integrity and professionalism. The restaurant also aims to im prove the quality of life of the local community around the Waterloo station and beyond by conducting donations and fundraisers (Walker 2007, p. 75). Location The Waterloo station serves as a superb location for a restaurant business. The completion of the construction of a retail balcony at the station for retail and catering outlets, the station provides a fantastic location opportunity for a restaurant business (Walker 2007, p.116). The station provides a great strength for the potential business due to its strategic positioning, which serves a large number of passengers. For the restaurant to become successful, it will require a customer base, and this will be partly covered by its location at Waterloo (LLC 2010, p. 97). At Waterloo station, the restaurant will get located...Its location on the first floor of the station also ensures that it is easily visible and accessible to potential customers The business other strength will lie in its pricing. The restaurant plans on offering prices for its services that are slightly lower to its competitors present at the station (Patti 2004, p.44). The other strength lies in the fact that the restaurant shall focus on Italian cuisine. This cuisine is popular and caters for a variety of meals that will attract a wide customer base. Weaknesses Since the establishment will get located at the first floor, there is a slight chance that customers might shun it. Some customers want a quiet place to have their meals and this cannot be promised at the first floor where the movement is relatively high to the second floor. Opportunities The business opportunity lies on the completion of the construction of the retail balcony at the Waterloo station. This makes the restaurant among the first establishments to grasp the retail spaces offered. The other opportunity lies in the restaurant’s menu. The restaurant’s plans on offering diabetic, vegan, and low fat diets makes it standout with the few restaurants offering such services at the station Threats The restaurant faces stiff competition from older restaurant establishments at the station. Some establishments have already developed a devoted customer base, and it will be difficult to lure such customers away

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Evaluative Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Evaluative Report - Essay Example Each section in the report analyzes an important component of the essay written by me in order to establish the importance of academic writing skills in essay writing. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Essay Structure 2.1 Essay Introduction Analysis 2.2 Essay Body Analysis 2.3 Essay Conclusion Analysis 3.0 Paragraph Structure 4.0 Linking/Connecting Ideas and Information 5.0 Integrating Evidence 6.0 Referencing 7.0 Conclusions/Recommendations 8.0 List of References 1.0 INTRODUCTION Academic writing is an integral part of most of the academic courses pursued in the current world, and the learners need to produce various types of academic papers such as ‘essay’, ‘position statement’, ‘report’, etc. Analyzing or evaluating one’s academic writing skills has great significance in the background of today’s higher education system as such assessments help in the improvement of academic writing process in the future. The possibilities of one’s career development in today’s academic scenario depend mainly on one’s ability to write convincingly according to the requirements of academic writing. In this evaluative report, a detailed analysis of my academic writing skills demonstrated in Assignment 4 (Essay – final copy) is carried out and it builds upon the structure developed in Assignment 3 (Monitoring – report). ... xiii). Broadly, academic writing may refer to any type of writing done in an academic setting. Essay: An essay may be defined as a short academic composition on a specific topic, having components such as introduction, thesis statement, topic sentences, body paragraphs, conclusion, etc. Position Statement: A position statement can be defined as a type academic paper which clarifies or describes a specific arguable point of view. 2.0 ESSAY STRUCTURE An academic essay is an essential element of academic writing, and it assesses a student’s aptitude to present his thoughts and ideas in a structured manner. An effective essay writing process starts with collecting crucial ideas about the topic, and it is essential to present these ideas in an organized way. Thus, an essay should begin with introducing the thesis and the main arguments in an interesting way, and it should be developed logically through the body-paragraphs, ending with a logical conclusion. Therefore, there are thre e main segments in an essay, i.e. the introduction, the body and the conclusion. 2.1 Essay Introduction Analysis In this section, an analysis of the introduction of the ‘Monitoring – Essay’ is carried out. The introductory section of the essay is as follows: The rate of people developing type 2 diabetes is soaring in the western world; Type 2 Diabetes in recent times was typically regarded as a disease of the middle-aged and elderly. While it still is true that this age-group sustain a higher risk, evidence shows that diagnoses of this disease in people aged less than 30 years is accelerating and in fact becoming quite common. Even once active children and

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Shells international business Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Shells international business - Research Paper Example Even though there are many energy sources, oil seems to be the most popular energy source in the world even now. It is often said that the economic growth of a country depends on its ability to produce or import oil resources at the cheaper rate. This is because of the fact that the majority of the industrial equipment and automobiles in the world are using oil as the fuel. Global economic growth is linked to oil prices. Any fluctuations in oil prices may create immense economic changes as well as changes in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth, unemployment and inflation rates in the world. For example, the 1973 -1975 oil price hike has shocked the world economy. The growth rate fell to 2.1% in 1974 and to 1.45 in 1975. The worldwide trade growth rate also dropped heavily from 12% in 1973 to -5.4% in 1974 and -7.3 in 1975. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has dropped from 40% in 1973 to half of it in 1974 (Oil prices and the global economy, n. d). According to a study by IMF Research Department (2000), â€Å"there will be a transfer of income from oil consumers to oil producers; there will be a rise in the cost of production of goods and services in the economy†. In short, oil seems to be an essential commodity required for global economic growth. In the oil business, the Royal Dutch/Shell Group of Companies needs no introduction in the global market. They are one of the largest global group of energy and petrochemicals companies with around 92000 employees in more than 70 countries and territories.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Pastor as Person †A Review Essay Example for Free

Pastor as Person – A Review Essay As the title itself suggests, the whole thrust is on the personhood of the pastor. At the start (Chapter Two), stress is given to highlight the need for new approach in ministry. Although it was not directly stated, the idea was pointed out when Tom, a pastor, received a letter from his alma mater concerning the seminary’s plan to include into its curriculum a subject called The Person in Ministry. As the conversation of the characters progressed, and at the same time their personalities somewhat introduced briefly in chapter one, the theme of the entire book becomes more in focus. Indeed, as Gary L. Harbaugh was trying to highlight from the very outset, even the person behind the pulpit Sunday after Sunday is a real person with the characteristics of a normal human being with almost the same things to cope in life, if not exactly identical. The way the five pastors were presented – Tom Daniels, Joan Russel, Paul Denning, Chris Campbell, and John Jeffrich – in the first chapter seems to stress the fact of the human side of ministers in general. Although the tone of the author, all along, was to paint an honest appraisal of the pastor, and at the same time with the intention of helping his readers realize the impossibility for those among the ordained clergy to perform their lifetime duties effectively without comprehending their frame as human beings, more often than not, the overall expectation from the ministers is very unrealistic. And so, Harbaugh, in this book, incorporated all necessary studies/sciences which for him might yield a more comprehensive and more accurate portrayal of the minister as human specie. Through the lenses of philosophy, theology, psychology, and anthropology, the pastor was presented – not as someone who is above the rest, but someone who is very much like those considered rank and file (Harbaugh, 1985). At the last paragraph of the book, Dr. Harbaugh expressed his hope that upon reading, the reader (presumably, a minister) is â€Å"affirmed† and now having gained valuable insights into his/her personhood, with fresh outlook, the remaining years of ministry will not be anymore burdensome but promising instead. In Chapter Two, Harbaugh highlights the reality that the pastor is not only a spiritual person but physical as well. He experiences stress and at times may be subjected to bouts of â€Å"burnout. † King Hezekiah of the Old Testament was mentioned as an object lesson of a person dealing with stress. The author pointed out that there are correct responses to stressors and pressures, although unfortunately, pastors usually opted for what Dr. Harbaugh called as the pastor’s â€Å"common reactions† to stress. To really experience growth in life and in faith, one has to face his/her responsibilities and do everything within his/her ability to do, and at the same time, one has to accept his limitations that he/she cannot possibly do everything even while doing and employing the best possible means within his/her ability. As Dr. Harbaugh said, using the well familiar hymn, â€Å"Christ is the solid rock on which† ultimately, our â€Å"holistic response to stress can stand. † Moreover, the pastor also is an intellectual being. He thinks. This is the emphasis of the third chapter. While it is true that there are similarities, or things common among those in the clergy, Harbaugh maintains the individuality of the pastor (Harbaugh, 1985). This means that each pastor is different and hence must be dealt with individually. A right balance must be maintained between the pastor’s vocation and his personal/family life. Dr. Harbaugh, in Chapter Four, introduced Ptr. John Jeffrich. Through Jeffrich’s personality, Harbaugh presented a pastor just like anybody else reacting and full of emotions. Indeed, one cannot empathize with others without having gone through the same griefs which other people have gone through. â€Å"Weakness is strength† (Harbaugh, 1985). The remaining chapters – 5 and 6 – are expansions, further explorations of previous chapters. How the pastor should deal with different issues as he/she relates to other people. In summary, the pastor should learn to accept everything that he/she is – with strengths and weaknesses. As a pastor, he/she is chosen by God for the people of God.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

DIY X-Y Plotter Design

DIY X-Y Plotter Design Objective: The design report includes the details about the process involved in building a DIY XY-plotter and programming the device to draw a square or a circle with precise dimensions and scale. The components and the design is made feasible to the budget available i.e.,  £100 GBP. The device is designed and built with accuracy to meet the given task by performing and validating the test required. In the final step of this project, the precision rate and accuracy is taken care to get the necessary output. Introduction: A XY plotter is a two dimensional printing or writing machine with continuous lines in x and y axes. The pen held by the pen control moves in all possible directions such as forward and backwards, as well as sideways and diagonally over a flat surface. Each axis of the plotter is controlled by separate single stepper motor and railings, the pen is controlled by servo. The electricals are controlled and achieved by the controller which is lpc1768 and 12v power supply. In this project, the machine has been designed to draw a square or a circle on a A5 drawing bed given, depending on the configuration selected. This project should meet specific requirements. Some of the constraints to take into account are the material provided, which is acrylic, the controller to be used, which is the mbed lpc1768, and a felt tip pen and the sensor, which is solenoid. Not to mention, the overall budget should limit an amount of  £100GBP. XY movement mechanism: The plotter has two axes control and involves movement of the pen in x and y axis. Each axis of the plotter is controlled by single stepper motor, which is NEMA stepper motor 17. The design involves the A5 bed with the dimension 300mm in length and 180mm in width which moves in the direction forward and backwards using single stepper motor on edge of the sliding bed. The pen is controlled by servo and the conveyer holding the pen is moved in the direction left and right using the stepper motor placed attached to the gears at the back end of the plotter. The design is expected to be plotted on the A5 sheet of dimension 250mm in length and 150mm in width. The pen can also be controlled by solenoid for continuous movement of the pen on the A5 bed, due to the feasibility and availability servo is replaced by solenoid in the project. The basic idea of the plotter design is shown below. 1a. The front view of the design 1b. The position of the stepper motor for A5 bed control. 1c. The position of the stepper motor for conveyer control. 2. The servo to control pen 3. The solenoid LIST OF THE COMPONENTS AND ITS COST Components required Cost per piece(approx.) Mbed lpc1768 controller  £40 NEMA stepper motor 17(2 no)  £8 Stepper motor driver DRV 8825(2 no)  £7 Bread board  £2 Acrylic sheet  £15 Solenoid  £23 Total  £95 Resource usage plan: Week no: 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Laser CAM software Mechanical platform development(building x-y axes) Mechanical platform development(movement of pen and the railings) Mechanical platform demo Software development(motor movement) Software development(plotting) Software, electrical and mechanical demo Final demo Report preparation Report submission Critical evaluation: The challenges faced in this project are as follows The precision of the output, because the railings are replaced for linear bearing and screws the precision is expected to differ from the other x-y plotters. The positioning of the pen, the solenoid is made capable enough to sense the position of the pen and move to the desired position to start plotting. The movement of the pen for neat and clear plotting without any scribbling on the paper. The stability of the machine to sustain the power supply and railings. Testing plan: The plotter is tested for the positioning of the pen and its control. The sensor is tested for any obstacle on the plotting surface. The evaluation of performance, as well as the precision rate and accuracy, not to forget the timing to plot the given design. References and Bibliography:

Saturday, October 12, 2019

British Irish Relations over the past 300 years :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  British- Irish relations over the past three hundred years have been troubled. There have been many tensions caused by religion in Northern Ireland and Britain's unfair rule of Northern Ireland. The British are guilty of many of the indignities suffered by the Irish people. They are also guilty of causing all of the religious and territorial conflicts between Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The division between Northern and Southern Ireland dates back to the 16th century. A succession of English monarchs had used the planting of Protestant English and Scottish people on lands seized from Irish Catholics as a way of increasing loyalty to the British Crown. This is an example of how the British treated the people of Ireland unfairly.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1912 British parliament gave home rule to Ireland. Home rule is when a country who is ruled by another country is giving the ability to govern its self. However some people in Irelands Northern counties did not want home rule. They wanted to remain governed by Britain. So the people in the Northern Counties (Antrim, Armagh, Down, Fermanagh, Londonderry and Tyrone) remained under British rule while the Southern Counties formed the Republic of Ireland. Shortly after the formation of Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland hostilities pushed these two countries to the brink of civil war. This was prevented by the start of World War I.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  English persecution of the Irish people is one cause of the tensions in Northern Ireland. Before 1793 Irish Catholics were persecuted by British law. Catholics were not allowed to buy and sell land, get proper education, marry Protestants or vote. This fueled problems in Ireland. After 1793 Britain was afraid, after loosing America, that a revolution would happen in Ireland. So the restrictions on the Irish Catholics were done away with. This however angered the protestants who formed the Orange Order, who was against the Catholics. This all came to a head when in 1798 when a small rebellion broke out.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"It began with a blight of the potato crop that left acre upon acre of Irish farmland covered with black rot.†(The Irish Famine, 1) This of course is in reference to the Irish Famine. The Irish Famine was another cause of the tensions in Ireland. As crops across Ireland failed, the price of food soared. This made it impossible for Irish farmers to sell there goods, the good which the farmers relied upon to pay their rent to their English and Protestant landlords. British Irish Relations over the past 300 years :: essays research papers   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  British- Irish relations over the past three hundred years have been troubled. There have been many tensions caused by religion in Northern Ireland and Britain's unfair rule of Northern Ireland. The British are guilty of many of the indignities suffered by the Irish people. They are also guilty of causing all of the religious and territorial conflicts between Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The division between Northern and Southern Ireland dates back to the 16th century. A succession of English monarchs had used the planting of Protestant English and Scottish people on lands seized from Irish Catholics as a way of increasing loyalty to the British Crown. This is an example of how the British treated the people of Ireland unfairly.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1912 British parliament gave home rule to Ireland. Home rule is when a country who is ruled by another country is giving the ability to govern its self. However some people in Irelands Northern counties did not want home rule. They wanted to remain governed by Britain. So the people in the Northern Counties (Antrim, Armagh, Down, Fermanagh, Londonderry and Tyrone) remained under British rule while the Southern Counties formed the Republic of Ireland. Shortly after the formation of Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland hostilities pushed these two countries to the brink of civil war. This was prevented by the start of World War I.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  English persecution of the Irish people is one cause of the tensions in Northern Ireland. Before 1793 Irish Catholics were persecuted by British law. Catholics were not allowed to buy and sell land, get proper education, marry Protestants or vote. This fueled problems in Ireland. After 1793 Britain was afraid, after loosing America, that a revolution would happen in Ireland. So the restrictions on the Irish Catholics were done away with. This however angered the protestants who formed the Orange Order, who was against the Catholics. This all came to a head when in 1798 when a small rebellion broke out.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"It began with a blight of the potato crop that left acre upon acre of Irish farmland covered with black rot.†(The Irish Famine, 1) This of course is in reference to the Irish Famine. The Irish Famine was another cause of the tensions in Ireland. As crops across Ireland failed, the price of food soared. This made it impossible for Irish farmers to sell there goods, the good which the farmers relied upon to pay their rent to their English and Protestant landlords.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Anthony and Cleopatra

Anthony and Cleopatra| | | Love; what is it? The definition states it as an intense feeling of deep affection, but is that what love really is? When it comes to my love life it has been one that has gone up and down, around every corner, from mars to the moon whatever you can say it has been everywhere. Being heartbroken is one thing I can say that relates to me when it comes to Anthony when referring to the fact that his wife’s death and imminent battle pricks Antony’s sense of duty, and he feels compelled to return to Rome.The reason I say that not that my girlfriend died but I felt I killed her in the relationship when I was younger. Love in communication, trust and belief that you will not get hurt by this person. I did everything you aren’t supposed to do. Cleopatra was pretty much my ex-girlfriend, she hated the fact that I was friends with many girls she was a drama queen who craved my full attention and no matter what I had to give it to her. Shakespeare was the creator of all this, the love, and the lust. People live their lives as it is what Shakespeare wanted Cleopatra learns of Antony’s marriage and flies into a jealous rage.That’s like women in this generation they hear about any girl you are affiliated with they automatically go crazy and get jealous regardless of what is true or not. This generation of people are used to divorce, use to cheating, fighting over stupid arguments. At the end of the day people accept it and just look for attention for example, when a messenger delivers word that Octavia is plain and unimpressive, Cleopatra becomes confident that she will win Antony back. Girls want to believe they are saints and that guys will bow down to their ever will.If there is a girl that their guy is friends with or affiliated with is less attractive than they are they just bash her and say and do what Cleopatra does. My ex-girlfriend was like her she would fight with me, yell at me if I even said hello to a female but right when she found out that she was just another female she was all happy go lucky. This day and age love is not what it used to be it is not based on the fact once you meet someone you will be with them for a long period of time you are with them till you’re tired of them. Shakespeare created what we know today as love.He is the reason we accept people because of their differences and show that we have true love for each other regardless of differences we are willing to do whatever it takes for the people we love. For example look at the twilight movies a vampire falling in love with a human, being fought over from a werewolf. The most absurd story but we as a culture love it because we love seeing people fight for each other’s love regardless of who it is, we urn for that as a culture but we have grown to accept people getting cheated on, lusting over others.Love is a cold thing but it can be beautiful if it is taking seriously and it can fulfill all you r hopes and dreams if you do what it takes. When explaining 3 fats about love you have to think about trust, loyalty and communication. When referring to my ex I did not trust that girl, trust is one thing that without it there is no relationship, and you have to have trust. Cleopatra had no trust in Anthony. The reason I say that is Cleopatra learns of Antony’s marriage and flies into a jealous rage.She did not have faith in him. Trust is one key to have true love. With me and my ex we loved each other, but we did not trust one another we would fight argue about everything and never truly had trust and faith in one another. An example of this is when Caesar dismisses Antony’s request, but he promises Cleopatra a fair hearing if she betrays her lover. How can you have trust in someone if she is willing to go behind your back and do such a thing to you?Trust is one thing that you have to have if you want a true relationship. Cleopatra seems to be giving thought to Caesa r’s message when Antony barges in, curses her for her treachery, that is just getting caught in the act of lying that is not how you have a good relationship. Another fact that needs to be taking into content when it comes to love is communication, with me and my ex we did not communicate. Our communication was literally not there at all we only talked when it was convenient for her.She did not put her best foot forward when it came to talking to one another it was never her wanting to actually to talk to me but instead just doing it because she had to. When it regards to the play Anthony and Cleopatra did not have great communication, she was pretty much a side chick in Anthony’s life. They had everyone do the he said she said life. For instance when she found out about Antony will marry Caesar’s sister, Octavia. She gets it from a messenger that delivers the word that Octavia is plain and unimpressive. She automatically gets jealous and doesn’t know tha t e is only doing it to solidify their loyalty to one another in the Caesar and Antony making an alliance with one another. She needs to be informed of this; they have to talk to one another. Me and my ex did not talk we fought when we talked there was no communication. Cleopatra thought that Antony was cheating on her when he was just making an alliance. Communication is key in love. Finally loyalty it is to me one of the big things you have to have when you’re in a obligation Antony thought he had Caesar’s loyalty when they made an agreement.He thought wrong Caesar breaks his truce, wages war against Pompey, and defeats him. How can you have believed anyone or trust anyone without true loyalty? This is how love in our day an age has fallen people don’t communicate, don’t trust anyone because people are not loyal anymore. Like I said before we live in a day and age where it is ok to cheat, and not be loyal to someone who you committed to. This day love i s lost, it is a distant memory, but when people are happy, loyal, communicate, and trust one another love will prosper.Love can never die it may be lost but when you find that special someone who you see and brightens your day when you see them. That is what love is, when no one else matters besides that person when you are with that person. Antony let power take control of him and Cleopatra let her trust issues and lust take control of her. Loves is a beautiful thing and every time Shakespeare writes a story about love he portrays what happens when you mess up. Love is a beautiful and when you get it you should never let go.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Understandanding the Role of the Social Care Worker

1.Understand working relationships in a care setting.1.1 Explain how working relationships are different from a personal relationship; a working relationship is different because of boundaries, in a personal relationship you have a different approach to your partner than you would to your colleague.1.2 Describe different working relationships in a social care setting; you work with a varierty of different people in the work settings; i.e doctors, family members and colleagues.You work with a doctor when an individual becomes ill or has a fall. You work with family members to let them know about their family member in your care. You work with colleagues as part of the job to care for a large number of indviduals.2 Understand the importance of working in ways that are agreed with the employer.2.1 Describe why it is important to adhere to the agreed scope of the job role;It is important to adhere to the agreed ways of the job role set by the employer as this sets out boundaries in your job role, enables you to know your role and responsibilities. Knowing your own level of competence and skills, knowing your job description.2.2 Outline what is meant by ‘agreed ways of working'; By following the companies policies and procedures based on safety guidelines.2.3 Explain the importance of full and up to-date details of agreed ways of working; By recieving a up to-date job description and reading it you know if you are the right person for the job. You would know if you had the right qualifications and experience the company is looking for and you would know what they expected from yourself.3 Understand the importance of working in partnership with others3.1 Explaine why it is important to work in partnership with others; It is important because if nobody worked in partnership the nobody in the care setting would know how to communicate and pass on information on each individual and they would be less confident in the work place.3.2 Identify ways of working that ca n help improve partnership working; Team work. Questionaires can increaae communication skills. Ringing other landings. Make what you say clear so you can get your point across.3.3 Identify skills and approaches needed for resolving conflicts; The ability to be quiet an listen. To be able to listen to other peoples points and opinions and to be considerate of them.3.4 Explain how and when to access support and advice about; Partnership working: in the workplace generally speaking, support and advice about working through and learning how to resolve conflicts would come from a person with more experience in the company such as head of department.Resolving conflicts: openly discuss differences in a calm and rational manner. For example, when having heated professional discussions with colleagues avoid rising to challenges or suggestions that you are incorrect or ask colleagues to listen to you and respect your opinions, but also respect their opinions.

A Comparative Study of Human Resource Practices and Job Satisfaction in Public Healthcare Organisations in United Kingdom and Pakistan

Identification of important issues that determine job satisfaction of nurse may allow managers to develop strategies to increase job satisfaction nursing staff. The problem of the current quantitative research was to examine and compare the nurses’ job satisfaction at public healthcare organisations in U.K. and Pakistan.The purpose of the current study was to determine whether there were differences between factors and level of job satisfaction among nurses at two hospitals. The current quantitative research data were collected by using the Index Work Satisfaction (IWS) questionnaires (Stamps 1997). The sample for the current research was nurses who were employed in NHS and PIMS hospitals.For this study, a survey will be utilised as the primary method of acquiring the research data. The questionnaire will be comprised of closed-ended questions to get an accurate and complete data.The sample will consist of 53 employees from public healthcare service providers in United Kingdom and Pakistan. The sample of employees will be chosen randomly, however, the research will attempt to get a wide range of individuals.The findings revealed that nurses are dissatisfied with the amount of paper work required, lack of time to deliver quality care, administration who are perceived to be out of touch with daily problems, and lack of involvement in policy decision making. Different components that influence job satisfaction between NHS and PIMS nurses were also reported.NHS nurses reported twice as many dissatisfiers than PIMS nurses. The overall job satisfaction indicated that work satisfaction on both the NHS and PIMS hospitals is fairly low, according to Index of Work Satisfaction. However, PIMS has a higher level of job satisfaction than NHS.There is no better time than the present to analyse job satisfaction among professional nurses, especially those working in specialised units in hospitals, because of the changes and chaos occurring in the current environment.Num erous factors have affected the profession of nursing over the last five years. The driving force behind these factors is the economics of health care. The rising cost of health care has caused hospitals and other healthcare agencies to restructure their nursing care delivery systems.Simultaneously, technological advances have necessitated more sophisticated and complex care, acuity of patients has risen, and the length of stay in acute care facilities has dramatically been reduced (Murphy, Roch, Pepicello, & Murphy 1997).Past studies of job satisfaction among professional nurses have demonstrated relationships among satisfaction and positive and negative behaviours. High satisfaction is associated with positive behaviours such as high productivity, teamwork, and high morale, while low satisfaction is associated with negative behaviours such as absenteeism, high turnover rates, and conflict among employees (Boumans & Landerweerd 1994).Job satisfaction encompasses not only the worker s' adaptation to the organisation, but also what their work means to them and ways in which they and the organisation might adapt to their needs. Nurse managers need to assess the satisfaction of their employees, not to gain a sense of work satisfaction, but to gain knowledge that can be used to assist them and the organisation to create more meaningful and more satisfying jobs (Stamps 1997).The issue of job satisfaction has become more important to both employers of nurses and nurse employees since the beginning of health care reform and changes in the delivery of nursing care that have caused frustration and chaos among the staff nurses who are delivering the care to the patients.Managed care has changed the health care environment by putting economic constraints on hospitals. This has affected the nursing profession because the third party payers are dictating how nurses deliver care (Moore 1997).With the restructuring of nursing care delivery systems, nurses are working with dif ferent staff mixes and different staffing levels. With the increased use of unlicensed personnel, nurses have greater supervisory requirements to ensure quality care (Moore 1997).Many professional nurses have not been well prepared to manage their increasing supervisory responsibilities in the current healthcare environment. When employees are ill equipped for their jobs, dissatisfaction and ultimately negative behaviours result (Murphy et al. 1997).A study conducted by Shindul-Rothschild and Duffy, (1996) looked at nurses' views on health care reform and the practice of nursing. She found that nurses who experienced restructuring, downsizing, and the increased use of unlicensed personnel express concerns with decreased quality of nursing care. These nurses are required to do more with fewer resources so they cannot accomplish all the tasks and supervision that they are required to do.The nurses report they are taking care of more complex patients due to the seriousness of their ill nesses, but they have less time to practice nursing due the increased supervisory responsibilities. Thus, they report it has become difficult to provide high quality care to patients with the resources available and this is decreasing their job satisfaction (Corey-Lisle, Tarzian, Cohen, & Trinkoff 1999).The supply and demand of professional nurses has frequently been out of balance. According to Brewer (1997) when there is a nursing shortage, nurses are required to work long hours with an insufficient number of staff, ultimately leading to burnout and job dissatisfaction.She predicted that with the turmoil of the health care environment, another nursing shortage would occur in the near future (Brewer 1997). Critical care units have a particularly difficult time recruiting and retaining nurses in such times to fill their positions.Job satisfaction may vary depending on work settings. There has been no research comparing job satisfaction between developed and undeveloped countries pub lic healthcare providers.UK nurses have lower patient to staff ratios, fewer unlicensed personnel, no licensed practical nurses, and rely on modern technology like hemodynamic monitoring to help monitor patients. Pakistani nurses must supervise more licensed practical nurses and unlicensed personnel, lack hemodynamic monitoring assistance, and have a larger number of patients per staff member.Job satisfaction has incredible significance to the health care system. When employees are satisfied, productivity and morale increase. When employees are dissatisfied, employers encounter negative behaviours. Employees may decide to leave, morale and productivity decrease, absenteeism and tardiness increase, and conflict is more prevalent (Williams 1990).All of these factors have considerable implication for organisations. Low quality, absenteeism and the need to retrain and orient new employees add significant issues to organisations. Even more important are the effects these behaviours can h ave on patient outcomes. If the morale and productivity levels are low and stress levels are high, an increase in patient and staff injuries is likely (Wunderlich et al., 1996).Nurse administrators and managers need to be aware of job satisfaction because of its impact on morale, budget, productivity, and staff and patient injuries. Nurse administrators and managers can be proactive and develop strategies to assist in increasing job satisfaction among nurses. Nurse managers on specialty units need to assess job satisfaction closely because of the added difficulty recruiting and retaining qualified professional nurses for these units.Public Healthcare Organisations within UK and Pakistan The government organisations namely as National Health Service in UK and Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences in Pakistan, are the subjects of this dissertation. The part of study was based in the PIMS, which is one of the largest health public organisations in Pakistan. There were three main reaso ns for selecting this organisation for the study:1) Like several other large health public organisations (in Pakistan), PIMS has a well defined organisational structure comprised of a voluntary advisory board, paid employees and community based volunteers. Also, its general vision about the health care delivery, staffing pattern and range of salary, benefits and employee development activities are similar to other health public organisations. Hence, the lessons learnt from this organisation could be applied to other health public organisations.2) PIMS started providing community based primary health care services from mid 1980s. In a short period, it showed a significant improvement in health indicators in northern areas and its strategy of community participation in program planning and implementation became a model for other public organisations as well as private.Several public organisations adapted PIMS' strategy either fully or in part. Based on the lessons learnt from PIMS, th e government decided to include its philosophy of community involvement in health care delivery in its national health policy and also invited PIMS to help the government health department in replicating its strategy in the government setting (PIMS, 2007).PIMS' strategic direction and operational approaches have become a model for many other organisations working in the health sector in Pakistan. Thus, it was expected that the lessons learnt from this study in the PIMS would receive due attention by other public organisations as well as the government sector, resulting in wider acceptability and benefit.3) PIMS' keen interest in improving its performance further by conducting organisational research was also one of the reasons for selecting it as a study site. In this regard, a research agenda developed in consultation with the PIMS senior staff members was shared with the investigator before conceptualisation of this study.Based on the mutual need and the interest of PIMS and the i nvestigator, the research topic was finalised. Considering PIMS' serious interest in the topic it was expected that the research findings will be utilised by the organisation to develop better human resource management policies resulting in more efficient use of their resources and effective health care delivery to the communities in its program areas.Health Sector in PakistanPakistan a low-income country ( The rural-urban division is sharp, as are the disparities between the rich and poor. According to the National Human Development Report (, almost one third of the people of Pakistan, mainly in rural areas, live below the official poverty line (income of less than US dollar a day per household).Inadequate social services and the high rate of population growth perpetuate poverty and the unequal distribution of wealth ( The socio-economic indicators are worse than most of the countries in South Asia. United N ation's Human Development Index ( puts Pakistan at number 142 (out of 177).Each year the Pakistani government (federal and provincial combined) spends around GBP 5.0 per capita on education and GBP 2,5 per capita on health (2001 figures based on average exchange rate for GBP).Compared to this, the national expenditure on health per capita is around GBP 9.0, indicating a huge role of private and other health care providers (mainly NGOs), which cover around 76% of the total per capita health care expenditure ( are not enough schools, health facilities or houses. The average number of people living in a house is seven; and half the population live in one-room housing units, with inadequate basic utilities, such as water, sanitation and electricity. Access to education and health services is limited, especially in the rural areas, and women and girls are at a particular disadvantage ( Â  

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Why was the Axis defeated in the Second World War and why did it take Essay - 2

Why was the Axis defeated in the Second World War and why did it take so long - Essay Example ajor issues.1 Firstly, they focused on expanding territorial domination and establishment of kingdoms based on military overthrow of the international order established after the First World War. The second initiative that the Axis partners wanted to achieve was to neutralize or destroy Soviet Communism.2 For instance, on 1 November 1936, Italy and Germany reflected on their common goal, which aimed at destabilizing the order, which was already established in Europe. During this time, they formed the Rome-Berlin Axis, which served as an indicator of friendship between the two countries. After a month, Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany entered into an agreement titled Anti-Comintern Pact. This agreement was directed towards destabilizing the Soviet Union. On 6 November 1937, Italy joined efforts with the Anti-Comintern Pact to strengthen the initiatives of these countries further. Italy and Germany formed the Pact of Steel on 22 May 1939. This agreement led to the formalization of the Axis alliance, including various military provisions followed by these countries. On 27 September 1940, Japan, Italy, and Germany entered into the Tripartite Pact agreement, which led to the formation of the Axis alliance. These Axis powers contribute to various catastrophic errors as the Second World War was going on.3 These issues made the war to take longer than anticipated, based on the coordinated strategies these countries had implemented. This paper discusses the reasons why the Axis was defeated during the Second World War, considering the powers that the countries involved possessed in their respective regions territories. Various events led to the defeat of the Axis alliance and delays during World War 2. The invasion of Greece by Italy is one of the key contributing factors towards the defeat of the Axis alliance. Under the leadership of Mussolini, Italy decided to invade Greece without Germany’s knowledge. The country embarked on this initiative since Germany, which was a

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Select a topic you would like to write ( writing about drama) Essay

Select a topic you would like to write ( writing about drama) - Essay Example American women in the 19th century were deterred from lustrous careers and they were denied self independence by the men. Their main sphere of operation in the society was restricted to the kitchen and the bedroom. Women did not have the right to vote or sit as members of the jury. Their opinions were considered of less importance in making essential decisions in the American education system, politics, economy, legislation and many others. Men in the US, in the 19th century, dominated all aspects of life in the American society except the nurturing of children and families; an activity that was allocated to women. In the play â€Å"Trifles† by Susan Glaspell, women are considered less educated, less equipped, less qualified and inferior to compete in the male dominated society. The men claimed the society advanced due to their intellectual property, strength, skills and ability to develop emotional intelligence in solving societal problems. George Henderson is a young but professional county attorney (Glaspell 455). He is called upon by local residents to investigate a murder case of Mr. John Wright, who was strangled by a rope in the wee hours of the night in his sleep. The county attorney has great respect for the law although he is quick to dismiss the female characters’ vested interest in non-essential details concerning domestic work. He also disparages the suspect, Mrs. Wright, for what he observes as lack of proper and normal house cleaning abilities allocated to women. Henry Peters, a middle aged man, is the area sheriff and Mrs. Peter’s Husband (Glaspell 455). He is interested in the murder case because it is his duty as a law enforcer to protect and serve the locals. Like the county attorney, he teases the female characters on their topic of conversation, which is the suspect’s quilt. He uses laughs light-heartedly at the women’s less

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Profile without interviewing the person Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Profile without interviewing the person - Essay Example His television career also did not remain devoid of exceptional success owing to the fact that the globally acclaimed television project he starred in ran successfully for about six years. Later, Smith experimented with movies as well and conquered that show business area also as was expected from him considering the sheer devotion and dedication which he is naturally bound to show no matter whatsoever he pursues in life. Smith’s movie career was all set considering myriad mega blockbuster hits he starred in and he is also engrossed in acting in movies currently. He married twice and shares his second marriage with fellow celebrity Jada Smith. Smith’s â€Å"20-year career that just keeps getting hotter, all combined to put the actor in that celebrity sweet spot that all stars crave, but few ever attain† (Fox News) and owing to such unique career, he got able to crown himself with the title of â€Å"The Most Famous, Famous Guy of 2008† (Fox

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Population control through forced sterilization in the past and Essay

Population control through forced sterilization in the past and medication, food in the present - Essay Example In this regard, the state observed a growth of compulsory sterilization laws that encompassed progressive era reforms and the popularity concerning the eugenic movements (Eccleston 2). The reformers proposed the use of mental institutions and prisons to separate these kinds of the population from the people. On the other hand, the eugenicists proposed that the elimination of such persons from the society is the sure way of curbing the problems of criminal tendencies and disabilities. In the contemporary society, there are modifications of eugenics to involve foods and vaccines that harm the populations. Arguably, the use of eugenics has profound adverse effects on the people that consume them, hence, they should be stopped. The medical communities targeted the feebleminded people in the communities because of the challenges posed by their increased numbers. For instance, the doctors referred to the feebleminded as morons, idiots, and imbeciles claiming that they are legible to initiate crime or settle on begging. Eccleston asserts that studies conducted during those times claimed that high-grade morons would grow to become prostitutes and criminals. The research added that, women of the feeble mind bred at very high rates, thus the need to curb this phenomenon since it led to many welfare dependents and crooks (Eccleston 4). Further, the officials of the public welfare elucidated the potential of social inadequacy by relating disability, the socioeconomic status, and criminality. The state then conducted a survey indicated various challenges amongst many individuals. Eccleston notes that, the President of Campell ascertained that the survey indicated a mutual interdependency between delinquency, dependency, and mental defects. The situation meant that there was enough evidence for the state to support the use of eugenics in population control (Eccleston 5). Due to sexual defiance in the society, the

Friday, October 4, 2019

Gun Control Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 2

Gun Control - Essay Example There are several points and reasoning about the article that needs to be straightened out. The most disturbing is the justification that calling for gun control is not about the Second Amendment. They are already contradiction in terms and yet it was still used as a justification. The second fallacious argument that was used that also needs to be refuted is the argument that of U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan during the assembly of marchers that "This is about gun responsibility; this is about gun safety; this is about fewer dead Americans, fewer dead children" (Martinez and Scmidt) while it is being hinged on the premise that "More guns? More violence" and "Hey La Pierre. How about this? Keep the Bad guy from even getting a gun!" (in respose to NRA CEO Wayne Lapierre statement as "the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun") (Martinez and Scmidt). Gun control was being called upon in the demonstration as the solution to end violence because it is t hought of as tool of violence, it being a weapon that can indeed harm, mutilate and even kill an individual. The advocates and marchers of this solution posit that if the tools or weapons that were used in those crimes and incidence of violence did not become available, then violence will be reduced. While this may seem to be a plausible solution to reducing violence, gun control may pose a problem of infringing on our basic rights as Americans to bear arms as stated in the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights contained in the Constitution of the United States of America which was negated during the march for gun control by saying that it was not about the Second Amendment. It is because the moment that gun control is cited, it already an attempt to abridge a right that is guaranteed in the Second Amendment is disturbing. If one will subscribe to the reasoning of the advocates of gun control, it was as if gun ownership is equated to evil and that it does not do anything good excep t perpetuate violence. Under this unreasonable onslaught, it would be important to cite how guns played in the creation of America to refute the argument that it evil and that the people we esteemed in history were in fact gun owners. Those who crafted our Constitution and laid the foundation of this country were even said to be gun aficionados. The venerable George Washington, the first President of this Republic was even a general who had guns and men under his command. And he was never accused of violence neither was there a slightest instance that those guns were used to inflict violence and unnecessary force. Those guns that he had were instead and in fact used to liberate and unite this country from the invading forces until our country became what it is today. Without guns, our country would still have been under British rule because we had no weapons to fight and repeal them. And George Washington is not an exception to those who owned a gun that never had the slightest semb lance of violence. Most founding fathers of this country were bearer of arms and almost every major historical event in this country that led to what it is today also involved guns. Imagine the Alamo when its defenders are without guns or Abraham Lincoln struggle to end slavery when his army did not have the firearms to assert his political will to end slavery against the