Friday, December 27, 2019

Brutus A Tragically Misunderstood Hero Essay - 1219 Words

In William Shakespeares classic tragedy â€Å"Julius Caesar† the characters are all positioned on a path that leads them to a terrible and disastrous end. Some destroy themselves for the greater good of Rome or just because of their own selfish greed for power. Some characters proceed to destroy others in hopes of protecting the greater good, but lose those closest to them. Cassius leads a dark conspiracy and kills Julius Caesar, but later kills himself. Marc Antony and Octavius track down and kill the assassins that killed Caesar, but lose those they care about most along the way. A true hero will rise to adversity and meet a situation head on to conquer the problem or his foes; however, a tragic hero may do just the opposite. A tragic†¦show more content†¦However, Cassius proceeds, realizing Brutus’ underlying conflict is fear for Caesar as a king. Cassius presents a grand speech to Brutus, manipulating him with faulty reasoning. Several times he tries to use examples that will make Caesar look unscrupulous. At one point he says, â€Å"He had a fever when he was in Spain, and when the fit was on him, I did mark how he did shake. ‘Tis true, this god did shake† (893). Cassius jealousy is so blinding that he is unable to realize his reasons are pointless; however, Brutus is also unable to see through Cassius’ reasoning. Instead of realizing that Caesar is human and a fever is a common ailment of all humans, he is overthrown by Cassius’ manipulative words. Brutus claims to put his honor first when he says, â€Å"For let the gods so speed me as I love the name of honor more than I fear death† (892). However, Brutus’ actions do not agree with his words. He allows himself to be easily manipulated into not only bringing down Caesar, but eventually himself. As Brutus makes more and more dreadful decisions, he suffers a greater downfall. Each decision leads to a greater consequence, which will eve ntually bring Brutus down altogether. Brutus’ first bad decision is joining the conspiracy. The conspirators against Caesar are able to manipulate Brutus’ doubtful thoughts and have him step forward as a leader. Brutus’ speaks for the group many times. On one occasion

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Literary Analysis The Rainy Day by Henry Wadsworth...

Literary Analysis: The Rainy Day by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - Siddiqui Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s â€Å"Rainy Day† uses the themes of lost and renewed hope, youth and grief to show how much our past and future experiences affect our lives and how though we face multiple struggles in life we can overcome them. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was born February 28th, 1807 and died March 24th, 1882. He was inspired to write poetry from Romanticism. Not only did he accomplish writing many pieces of poetry he was also a novelist. He wrote â€Å"The Rainy Day† in 1841 and wrote it in memory of his wife who had passed away in front of his eyes. Longfellow’s poems are mostly long but this was one of his few short poems. â€Å"The Rainy Day† was popular for†¦show more content†¦Others also agree with this thought for example, â€Å"So, instead of lamenting about it the whole life, one must learn to overcome his distress and proceed with his life.† (Poems). This quote also agrees with the idea of renewed hope becau se as stated we must overcome our challenges which we do through having a sense of renewed hope. This agrees with the conclusive fact that we all face challenges in life that we must overcome and are given the strength to overcome through hope. There is always a time in our life when we realize that those days are gone. The days to go out and play, those days of innocence and happiness, those days when we were shielded from the real world. As we grow older and wiser and gain more experiences we come to face the fact that not everything is rainbows and sunshine. We begin to see that life is but a mere road with an excessive amount of bumps that we trip over. Some bumps may be larger than others but in the end we must all get up and move on and in these times the memories of our lost youth are painful to bear, yet at the same time the memories are sometimes hard to let go of. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow displays this idea through his poem â€Å"The Rainy Day† trying to express the ghosts of his past. â€Å"My thoughts still cling to the mouldering Past, / But the hopes of youth fall thick in the blast,† (8-9). Through these lines

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

On HSBC Report Operating Worldwide

Question: Describe HSBC Report on Operating Worldwide. Answer: Introduction HSBC Bank Australia Limited is a part of HSBC Group operating worldwide. The bank offers complete banking facilities and is one of the leading banks in Australia. It started its operations in the year 1965 in Australia. It has been listed on the exchanges of Hong Kong, London, New York, Paris and Bermuda (HSBC in Australia, 2016). Target Market The target market is the target group of customers to whom company wants to sell its products or service. To develop a plan for marketing, it is imperial for a company to identify its target market (Pinson, 1996). Market Segmentation After analyzing the needs and demands of the customer, selecting the customer who would want the product and segregating them from the rest is called segmentation. Strategies should be planned according to the clientele that fall in the segment that the company wants to cater. The market is segmented on several bases, on variables like age, gender, income, family size, race, religion, nationality then it is called as demographic segmentation. Behavioral segmentation is when behavior, usage, and buying pattern were being considered. When it has been based on the boundaries and geography, it is termed as geographic segmentation. When lifestyle, activities, and interest determine the purchase decision, then it is referred to as psychographic segmentation (Larsen, 2010) Targeting and positioning Selecting the target customers of the segment are called targeting. Making the targeted customers own the brand that company produces is called positioning. The label should leave an impact in the minds of the consumer; it should have a sustainable portion in the mind frame of the consumer. The loyalty of the customer with the brand is because of the positioning strategies were undertaken to place the product in the minds of the consumer, which compels them to repeatedly buy the particular brand (Tanner and Raymond, 2012) Target Market, Segment, and Positioning for HSBC The bank divides its various services into broad segments of the market and follows segment marketing.For Credit Cards The bank follows Demographic and Geographic Segmentation. While offering its credit card services to the consumers, the bank divides its market on credibility basis. Customers were identified on different geographical grounds like, urban, sub-urban and rural. The next segmentation done is by income, occupation, and purchasing power. The primary targets for this type of product are customers located in urban and sub-urban areas because of the rapid development and economic growth there is the rise in spending capacity, which in turn will lead to higher demand for the product if it was targeted to the right audience. The market can further be segmented on buyers behavior, knowledge and acceptance towards the product. The positioning strategy that the bank has undertaken is to target the clients and offer a variety as per the needs of varied customers. The bank offers f our different types of credit cards, Premier World, Platinum Qantas, HSBC credit card and Platinum credit card. Along with this, the APR charged, and the annual fee is kept low as compared to the other banks. To create an impact in the minds of the consumer the bank also offers Travel accident insurance and identity theft resolution services along with the card as additional benefits. There are rewards for transactions made in foreign and they are not charged any fee. The bank has positioned itself as a leading bank that offers variety of cards to its customer with the ease of service (Compare Credit Cards, 2016 For Savings Account The bank offers two types of savings account; one is flexi savers account, and the other is a savings account. It follows Demographic and Geographic segmentation. To increase this service, the bank will address the customers of rural and sub-urban areas. Customers who are from rural areas with the demographics of low income and savings are the target customers for a savings account and the clients who are flexible with their savings, as mostly seen in sub-urban areas they are the target customers for flexi saver account which offers monthly bonus interest. The bank has positioned itself to cater to pair needs and goals of savings (Bank Accounts, 2016). For Investment Products The bank follows demographic and psychographic segmentation. The clients who have high net worth and have the tendency to put in money to yield more money while taking minimal risk are the target customers. The behavioral attributes like lifestyle, activities, and risk taking abilities are the major factors that influence these kinds of customers. Bank positioned itself as a leader by offering structured investments strategies, online share trading platform and most importantly future retirement and financial planning options to its customers (Investments, 2016). HSBC has created a unique brand name globally regarding positioning itself. It has been able to create a distinct image and occupy the minds of the target market. It has been able to compete and excel regarding service quality with other international financial institutions and was known as a truly global bank with international banking network. Position Mapping HSBC has an edge when it comes to its competitors; it offers better service reagrading safety and reliability at a low price. It has products and services according to the need of its customers, and that gives it the competitive advantage and hence HSBC has overcome its industry rivals in gaining the trust and loyalty of its customers. The mapping could be done for features along with price, Safety, and reliability along with price and Service quality along with the price. 5 being the highest scale in features and 1 being the lowest, 5 being the highest price and 1 being the lowest. The company would get (4, 4) in this aspect. 5 being the highest scale in safety and reliability and 1 being the lowest, 5 being the highest price and 1 being the lowest. The company would get (5, 4.5) in this aspect. 5 being the highest scale in service and 1 being the lowest, 5 being the highest price and 1 being the lowest. The company would get (5, 5) in this aspect. Micro and Macro Factors Affecting HSBC There are many factors that affect the business environment. The marketing environment is majorly influenced by these two factors: Micro and Macro. Macro factors comprise of Political, Economical, Social, Technological, Legal and demographical factors that influence the business. Micro Factors includes the people, competition, customers, suppliers, and other internal strategies and policies affecting the company (Groucutt, Leadley, and Forsyth, 2004). Macro environment of HSBC Factors that affect HSBC largely are economic factors, since banking industry is largely affected by economic policies and economic activities of the region. In times of economic slowdown the bank might be in a tight squeeze, because banks usually lend money for long and borrow money on short. That means, a depositor has to be repaid on demand immediately and the person who has availed loan, i.e., the creditor might not be able to repay in an economic slowdown. Another factor affecting banking industry is Political issues; if a nation faces political insatiability, then the policies would be affected. Technological advancements affect the development of the banking industry. But HSBC is technologically equipped, and their basic drivers are high productivity and customer orientation. They excel in using technological platforms to enhance their customer service. Micro environment of HSBC Shareholders- Shareholders will always get preference. The government, local public, internal people, and all the people related to the organization in one or another influence the policy of the company towards them. Suppliers- Bank always maintains its link strongly with its suppliers they are the most important aspect, in the case of HSBC, government bodies and regulatory acts as suppliers. Customers- HSBC targets Retail consumers, Business Consumers, International and Government consumers and reseller market. HSBC believes in maintaining a healthy relationship with its consumer base with the aim of long-term profitability. Market Intermediaries and Competitors- companies who help the bank in performing extra services to connect with its clients play an important role in the growth of the organization. Competition always makes a good business environment. HSBC faces competition in the local as well as international market as there are large key players in the banking industry competing with HSBC. SWOT Analysis of HSBC Analyzing the Strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats of the organization will help the company in structured planning. These elements will help the organization to identify the internal and external factors that are in favor or against the growth of the company. Identifying traits or characteristics of the company that gives it a competitive edge over its competitors is categorized as strength. The trait that gives it a disadvantage over others was categorized as weakness. Opportunities that the business could exploit to its benefit were termed as opportunities and threats are the elements that could pose potential trouble for the business (Fine, 2009). The cost advantages from the know-how of experts and immense value of patent and trademark. Influential brand name and accessible distribution network are some of the strengths of the company. High-cost structure is the main weakness of the company. Elimination of trade barriers and untapped market needs by coming up with technological innovations are some areas of opportunities that a bank can explore. Prominent threat that the bank faces is consumer shifting to another brand and strict regulations or growing trade barriers. PEST Analysis of HSBC Political factors at all level, global and local are analyzed because they play a major role in formulating the policies. Economic factors at a national, regional and global level were monitored. Economic performance of the market is the key input required to plan the strategy for development. Social factors analysis of the market is done by of demographics and culture so as to tap the unfulfilled needs. Technological factors enable the business to address the issues and leave an impact in the minds of the consumers. Technology is one factor that drives the growth of the modern business. HSBC always tries to adopt the modern technology. Analysis of Consumer perception and behavior Consumer perception refers to the process through which a customer makes a decision whether to get associated with the brand or not. The perception shows his awareness towards the brand and his acceptance towards it. There are three stages of consumer perception: exposure, attention, and interpretation (Martinez, 2012). The product offered by HSBC is one time buy, and it is more of a long term association. When the consumer is buying something that will have an impact for a long time, then the buying behavior becomes more complex. The bank has a strategy to deal with different consumers, i.e., by offering different products in the same category. The customers who are more conscious of the class and society and have high net worth would tend to look for high end product and services offered by the bank, whereas customers who are in middle or low-income group would look for the bank that gives them high returns on investments and accounts and assures them about principal amount Security. The pricing strategy of HSBC has been successful even though the annual fee was levied and the interest rate is high due to high demand. On the other hand, the Bank might not be able to attract the customers who are cost-conscious and whose only interest is in the facility of credit. Many customers tend to relate the quality and brand name with the price. Such consumers would have a positive impact in their minds about HSBC. The global presence of the bank ensures communicated delivery channels and faster services. The customers are benefited effectively by this worldwide presence of the bank; it provides ease in services, and this would not give them an opportunity to look for substitutes. The bank engages in direct marketing and has effective communication with its customers; this, in turn develops loyalty towards the brand. Another strategy adopted by the bank is to associate itself with big brands, which in return provides benefits to the customers while using HSBC products. The global presence, faster service and low cost along with association with big brands and in return customer benefits develops a positive image in the minds of the consumer. Marketing Mix It refers to the set of strategies undertaken by the company to promote itself in the market. It is made up of 4 Ps which includes Price, Promotion, Product and Place (Richter, 2012). Marketing strategies formulated by HSBC are such that they influence its customers in a positive manner. They were aimed at adding value to the brand along with creating awareness and delivering value to its clients. These strategies influence perspective as well as existing customers to associate with the bank for a long term. 4 Ps Price- It simply means that what is the value of the product. The price of the product is dependent on production cost, supply and demand and various other indirect and direct factors. Each business follows different pricing strategies (Hoffmann, 2008). Product- It refers to the item that the company intends on selling. The product must deliver some performance and should be able to compete in the market. It should have some standards and deliver some value (Gummesson, 2012) Promotion All the activities undertaken by the company on selling the product in the market were included in the promotion. In this the company can include all sources of promotional activities, whether direct or indirect, print media, word of mouth, press reports, and paid advertisements. (Barker and Angelopulo, 2005) Place- It refers where the sale were made. The main aim of this mix is to make the purchase of the product easy for the consumer. If the location of the product is not right, no matter what the price is or promotional activities are the product would still not be preferred by the consumers. The location is an important factor while choosing the business setup. (Smith and Taylor, 2004) Marketing Mix Developed by HSBC Marketing mix for credit cards Product- the Bank offers a variety of credit cards. It is to cater to the needs and wants of different customers. The four types of credit cards offered by the bank deliver value to its clients. Place- the international presence of the bank makes it easy for the clients to avail this facility anywhere. The ease of buying this product is what makes it attractive to the consumers. Price- Though the credit cards offered by the banks were charged at a little higher price than the market, but this also assures the clients of the quality of the product and service that they are bound to get. Promotion- HSBC focuses on establishing communication with its clients. They undertake direct and indirect promotional ways of promoting their product. They have formed an association with brands and in turn, their clients are benefited with this association. Bank has also created a positive image ensuring continuous customer support. Marketing mix for Savings Accounts Price- The price of this product offered by the bank is comparatively moderate when it comes to its competitors. It is a product that is worth its price. Product- The bank offers two types of savings account to its clients. There is variety in the product as per the needs and wants of the client segmentation. This product delivers value to its client. Promotion The bank focuses on promoting this product by giving a higher rate of return and associating reward points with it. Place- ease of making the transactions is a highlight for the bank. Marketing mix for Investment Products Price- The price of this product offered by the bank is comparatively high when it comes to its competitors. It is a product that is worth its price because it offers the security of the principal amount along with giving maximum returns on the investment. Product- The bank offers various types of investment products to its clients. There is variety in the product as per the needs and wants of the client segmentation. This product delivers value to its client by their requirements. Promotion The bank focuses on promoting this product by giving a higher rate of return and assuring the client about the safety and reliability. Place- ease of making the transactions anywhere in the world is a highlight for this product. Technological platforms to avail this facility are also an advantage to the bank. Recommendations and Conclusion HSBC is a key player in the banking industry. It offers a variety of product and services to its clients. The bank has performed well in the market regarding giving returns and dividends, and also securing capital regarding economic slowdown. The business strategies adopted by HSBC has garnered a lot of appreciation. Their policies towards stakeholders, clients and employees have been praised. But due to increasing competition in the market, HSBC should consider revising the rates of its certain products so as to capture untapped market and clients that have opted for substitutes. Actively and strategically analyzing the pricing is essential. Diverse values need to be added to the companys strategies to strengthen its position in the market. Establishing Crisis management service should be one step that the bank should take in the coming years. Monitoring portfolios on a mark-to-model basis are required. The bank offers excellent service when it comes to bank accounts or credit card facilities, but it should also widen its horizon in investment, pruning, portfolio management and advisory. The company has its views on its brand equity and has a competitive edge in the market. But this could be easily affected by large key players. There is a lot of unmet demand in the market, and to survive and sustain, a key player might change their strategies, HSBC has to think a step ahead when it comes to this. Reviewing operational capability is foremost. They need to be technologically advanced and creative along with being efficient and flexible. It is the time they took aggressive steps to capture the untapped market demand and plan a response for competitors new product introduction. Modification in the strategies as per economic conditions is the most important aspect of the banking industry; HSBC should not lack behind in it. Reviewing the systems and policies is mandatory for growth. Reporting the limitations of the framework is essential if the HSBC has to truly be come a global bank. References Barker, R. and Angelopulo, G. (2005)Integrated Organisational Communication. [Online] South Africa: Juta and Company Ltd. Available at: URL's%20of%20marketingf=false. Accessed on 14 September 2016 Fine, L. (2009) The SWOT Analysis: Using Your Strength to Overcome Weaknesses, Using Opportunities to Overcome Threats. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. Groucutt, J., Leadley, P. and Forsyth, P. (2004) Marketing: Essential Principles, New Realities. [Online]. UK: Kogan Page Publishers. Available at: Accessed on 14 September 2016. Gummesson, E. (2012) Total Relationship Marketing. [Online] UK: Routledge. Available at: URL's%20of%20marketingf=false Accessed on 14 September 2016. Hoffmann, S. (2008) Are the 4 P's of International Marketing of Equal Importance to All Firms? What Factors Might Cause Some to More Or Less Important Than Others?[Online] Grin Verlag. Available at:'s%20of%20marketingf=false. Accessed on 14 September 2016. Larsen, N. (2010) Market Segmentation - A framework for determining the right target customers. Denmark, pp.7-10. Available at: Accessed 14 September 2016. Martinez, P. (2012) The Consumer Mind: Brand Perception and the Implications for Marketers [Online] UK: Kogan Page Publishers. Available at: oQ6AEIHzAB#v=onepageq=consumer%20perceptionf=false. Accessed on 14 September 2016 Pinson, L. (1996) Target Marketing: Researching, Reaching, and Retaining Your Target Market [Online]. US: Upstart Publishing Company. Available at URL Accessed on 14 September 2016. Richter, T. (2012) International Marketing Mix Management: Theoretical Framework, Contingency Factors and Empirical Findings from World-Markets [Online]. Germany: Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH, Available at: Accessed on 14 September 2016. Smith, P. and Taylor, J. (2004) Marketing Communications: An Integrated Approach. [Online]. UK: Kogan Page Publishers. Available at :'s%20of%20marketingf=false. Accessed on 14 September 2016. Tanner, J., and Raymond, M. (2012). Principles of Marketing. 2nd ed. (Online). US: Flat World Knowledge, Inc. pp.105-110. Available at: [Accessed 07 Sep. 2016]. , (2016). Bank Accounts. [Online] Available at: URL Accessed on 14 September 2016. , (2016). Compare Credit cards. [Online] Available at: URL Accessed on 14 September 2016. , (2016). HSBC in Australia. [Online] Available at: URL Accessed on 14 September 2016. , (2016). Investments. [Online] Available at: URL Accessed on 14 September 2016.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Non-Verbal Flirtation Essay Sample free essay sample

80 % of all communicating is non-verbal. Work force and adult females demonstrate their involvement in members of the opposite sex in many different ways. nevertheless – many of the first marks of attractive force are non-verbal. How do we chat up nonverbally? Are at that place differences in the ways that males and females nonverbally show involvement in a possible romantic spouse? This paper will offer a reappraisal of the academic literature on this subject. explicitly researching the extent of non-verbal flirting and besides concentrating on the differences between sexes. How do the ways that work forces and adult females flirt nonverbally differentiate? Research has clearly established that most communicating is non-verbal. The research done by Henningsen. Braz and Davies discusses why we flirt. and the six motives behind flirtation ( 2008 ) . These motives are sexual. relational. researching. regard. instrumental and merriment. It is of import to first understand why worlds flirt before one can understand the differences between verbal and non-verbal flirtation and furthermore. We will write a custom essay sample on Non-Verbal Flirtation Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page the differences between the ways that males and females flirt. La France. Henningsen. Oates and Shaw found that research suggest that work forces decode verbal and gestural communicating cues otherwise than make adult females. and this difference consequences in men’s inclination to rate persons more extremely in degrees of these social-sexual concepts than do adult females ( 2009 ) . They besides found differences in the sexes in perceptual experiences of flirtatiousness. seductiveness. and promiscuity. Henningsen found that sex differences emerge for sex and geographic expedition motives. with work forces describing greater degrees of each than adult females ( 2008 ) . Men tend to see women’s behaviours as more sexual than do adult females in cross-sex interactions ( e. g. . Abbey. 1982 ) . This difference may ensue because work forces view specific behaviours as sexually motivated. whereas adult females attribute a different motive to the behaviours. It is proposed that people flirt for a assortment of different grounds including the desire to increase sexual interaction. Six chat uping motives derived from the literature are considered in this survey: sex. merriment. researching. relational. regard. and instrumental. The motives attributed to chat uping behaviours by work forces and adult females in typical flirtation interactions are explored. Gender differences emerge for several flirting motives ( i. e. . sex. relational. and merriment ) . Men tend to see chat uping as more sexual than adult females do. and adult females attribute more relational and fun motives to chat uping interactions than do work forces. This research is of import to understand within the Communication subject because so much of our communicating is non-verbal. When relationships are frequentl y initiated because of non-verbal communicating. we can non do sense of the remainder of the relationship unless we understand the first interactions. Much research has been done on the difference between the different ways the sexes communicate their sexual attractive force for one another. Research has shown work forces perceive more sexual involvement from female marks than do adult females in cross-sex interactions ( e. g. . Abbey. 1982 ) . A survey using a 2 ( sex of participants ) x 2 ( chat uping cue: verbal or nonverbal ) ANOVA design was employed to prove whether cue use influenced sex differences in perceptual experiences of sexual involvement. The consequences of this survey indicated sex of participant and cue use interact to foretell perceptual experiences of sexual involvement. Consequences are discussed with respect to sex differences in cue penchants and cue explicitness. La France. Henningsen. Oates and Shaw preformed a survey to measure the grade to which work forces and adult females make differential judgements of flirtatiousness. seductiveness. and promiscuousness during cross-sex interactions. Findingss from their research suggested that work forces decode verbal and gestural communicating cues otherwise than make adult females. and this difference consequences in men’s inclination to rate persons more extremely in degrees of these social-sexual concepts than do adult females ( 2009 ) . This survey depicts the consequences of three meta-analyses that provided estimations of the magnitude of the sex differences in perceptual experiences of flirtatiousness. seductiveness. and promiscuity and argues that these consequences are consistent with error direction theory ( 2009 ) . Sexual activity of mark and manner of observation interacted to impact ascertained sex differences. Sexual activity differences were strongest for female marks when research participants were perceivers of face-to-face interactions ( mean r= . 32 ) . whereas sex differences in ratings of flirtatiousness. seductiveness. and promiscuity were strongest for participants who were evaluation male marks in face-to-face interactions ( mean r= . 36 ) . Jeffery Hall. Michael Cody. Grace Jackson and Jacqueline Flesh studied how adult females approach relationship induction schemes that work forces put in to action. In the first survey. the adult females identified the different schemes that work forces use. and there were over 500 that were found ; some including association and explicitness. but non laterality. and predicted flirtatiousness. In Study 2. 361 females participated in a 2 ten 4 experiment that explored the effects of physical attraction and four attack communicating schemes on evaluations of association ( Abrahams. 1994 ) . Attractive work forces were more successful overall and a wider scope of verbal schemes were rated as successful. compared to less attractive males. Fewer effectual statements were available to less attractive males. Research has been done that concludes that adult females face a alone force per unit area to fulfill communal ends and are held to a different criterion of â€Å"niceness† which can be seen in the manner that they non verbally communicate with males in chat uping. Berger. Sackman. Olide and Dennehy preformed a survey that examined adult females chat uping under this stereotype. In this survey. adult females under â€Å"threat† exhibited increased gestural flirtation-consistent behaviours. likely bespeaking a struggle between idealized and existent behaviours. To accomplish likeability ( and perchance to avoid gender recoil ) . the social norm is that adult females are encouraged to use non-sexually motivated flirting behaviours. This outlook is at the same time â€Å"in the air† ( Chan-Serafin. Bradley. Brief. A ; Watkins. 2005 ) and broadcasted in the media. such as in a recent Forbes. com article. which urged adult females to â€Å"flirt their manner to the t op† ( Goudreau. 2010 ) . Furthermore. work forces perceived adult females under menace as signaling increased sexual purpose. In a survey at a college university. adult females were besides asked to deduce how work forces would construe women’s dating behaviours. Womans were predicted to do illations less probatory of sexual consent than the work forces. They made illations more probatory than men’s readings. The consequences supported the thought that the differences were due about wholly to male/female differences-not personality differences. There was besides some grounds that those who were non sexually active tended to judge many behaviours rather otherwise than those who were. One illustration of this was denying any connexion between their behaviour and sexual consent. The chief thought to be gathered from this survey was that the differences in the ways that males and females flirt not verbally has do with the single male and female and non so much to make with the differences in the genders. This survey. preformed by Brandi Frisby. Megan Dillow. Shelbie Gaughan and John examined by experimentation induced coquettish interactions ( 2011 ) . 252 United States undergraduates from the Middle atlantic part viewed a coquettish interaction and rated a Confederate on physical and societal attractive force. association. laterality. and colloquial effectivity. It was thought that different flirtation motives would take to different ratings of the flirters. and perceptual experiences of flirters would change based on gender. Consequences revealed that work forces were evaluated as more dominant than adult females when chat uping. but surprisingly. laterality in work forces was non perceived as attractive or colloquially effectual. In add-on. men’s attractive force to adult females increased significantly when adult females flirted for sexual motivations. and women’s attractive force to work forces decreased significantly when work forces flirted for merriment. Looking at this subject from a different point of position. Woogan and Parasi preformed a survey that looked at the different ways males and females communicate regards to one another. This survey found that compliment subjects evidently varied by gender: males gave females a higher proportion of regards on visual aspect than accomplishment and females did the antonym. giving males a higher proportion of regards on accomplishment than visual aspect ( 2006 ) . Two overlapping accounts for these differences were found: 1 ) females feel a comparatively greater demand to be cautious when giving visual aspect regards to males. for fright of looking excessively frontward or pulling unwanted attending ; 2 ) societal norms place greater accent on visual aspect for females and accomplishments for males. While the latter account has been noted antecedently. the former. the function of flirting. has received light attending. despite its important function in compliment behaviours ( 2006 ) . Buss and Alberts ( 1988. 1998 ) suggest that adult females frequently talk about their physical organic structures. which should therefore indicate good wellness. juvenility and birthrate. In contrast. some of the of import desirable features for work forces include physical laterality and an ability to bring forth resources ( e. g. . societal position. aspiration and high income ) . Men rate physical attraction as an of import quality in a spouse more extremely than adult females ( Kenrick. Sadalla. Groth. A ; Trost. 1990 ; Travis. 1977 ) and adult females give higher evaluations to traits reflecting laterality and societal position ( Kenrick. Groth. Trost. A ; Sadalla. 1993 ; Kenrick et Al. . 1990 ) . If work forces and adult females place more importance on some attractive qualities than others. we would in bend expect work forces and adult females to chat up in different ways in order to stress the coveted features. Moore ( 1985 ) contends that adult females are non inactive in the courtship procedure but instead command much of the flirtation procedure. Her research has observed adult females in topographic points such as singles bars. She identified 52 different gestural shows by adult females. which she argued were courtship signals that served to pull and arouse the attack of work forces. These included gestures such as facial and caput forms. smiling. express joying. touch. propensity and primping. In addi- tion to Moore’s ( 1985 ) research. others have argued that adult females possess a larger repertory of flirting schemes used to signal involvement in work forces ( e. g. . Muehlenhard. Koralewski. Andrews. A ; Burdick. 1986 ) . Hall ( 1984 ) . for case. has claimed that adult females gaze at interaction spouses more. and utilize touch and organic structure motions more in interpersonal interactions. McCormick and Jones ( 1989 ) observed 70 twosomes and found that adult females were more active participants in flirting and were frequently the instigators of the flirting. Trost and Alberts ( 1998 ) reported that. in con - trast to adult females. work forces were more likely to chat up by signalling position and laterality. which is frequently achieved by blinking money. overstating their income. have oning expensive apparels. boasting about their superior intelligence. and overstating their degree of sexual popularity. These gender differences are non merely confined to face-to-face brushs. Research conducted in the 1970s found that adult females in personal ads were more likely to offer attraction and seek fiscal security. while work forces were more likely to offer fiscal security and seek attraction ( Harrison A ; Saeed. 1977 ) . Smith. Waldorf and Trembath ( 1990 ) analysed personal ads from six issues of On the Scene magazine from January 1989 to June 1989. They were interested in what attractive qualities persons were seeking in a spouse. Not surprisingly. these research workers found that physical attraction was the highest-ranking quality desired by work forces. and in fact appeared more than twice every bit frequently in men’s ads than it did in women’s. Women. in contrast. were more likely to trust for a adult male who was understanding. emotionally healthy and financially stable. Koestner and Wheeler ( 1988 ) examined what attractive characteristics work forces and adult f emales were more likely to stress about themselves in lonely-hearts columns. Again. these research workers found that work forces were more likely than adult females were to stress their ain educational and occupational position. Discussion: The heightened disassociation between verbal versus gestural flirtation-consistent behaviours under menace is consistent with women’s self-reports about disavowing flirtatiousness consciously ( Pronin et al. . 2004 ) but illuminates existent and more inexplicit behaviours that deviate from self-reports ( see Dovidio et Al. . 2002 ) . Verbal behaviours might reflect witting and hence idealized3 self-conceptions. consistent with Higgins’ ( 1987 ) Self-Discrepancy Theory. It is possible that under menace. women’s ( a ) ideal ego. does non integrate the usage of flirting ; but ( B ) ought self. at the same time encourages less expressed gestural flirtation-consistent behaviours. reflecting sociocultural norms that place an burden on adult females ( versus work forces ) to be communal/likeable ( Rudman A ; Glick. 2001 ) . Men tend to see women’s behaviours as more sexual than do adult females in cross-sex interactions ( e. g. . Abbey. 1982 ) . This difference may ensue because work forces view specific behaviours as sexually motivated. whereas adult females attribute a different motive to the behaviours. It is proposed that people flirt for a assortment of different grounds including the desire to increase sexual interaction. Six flirting motives derived from the literature are considered in this survey: sex. merriment. researching. relational. regard. and instrumental. The motives attributed to chat uping behaviours by work forces and adult females in typical flirtation interactions are explored. Gender differences emerge for several flirting motives ( i. e. . sex. relational. and merriment ) . Men tend to see chat uping as more sexual than adult females do. and adult females attribute more relational and fun motives to chat uping interactions than do work forces. No gender differences emerge for regard. researching. or instrumental motives. The treatment focuses on how miscommunication may happen during flirting interactions. Many decisions can be drawn from all of the research done sing the differences in the ways that males and females express attractive force towards one another. Chat uping occurs because of a sexual attractive force to a member of the opposite sex. and besides because of the six flirting â€Å"motivations: † sexual. relational. researching. regard. instrumental and merriment. Most surveies show that males have a much more dominant. aggressive manner of nearing females. There is besides a important sum of miscommunication in the manner that females want to be perceived. and the manner they really are. Much research shows that females are frequently perceived otherwise than the manner that they attempt to portray themselves. Work forces frequently view the manner that adult females flirt as much more sexual than what the adult females think they are showing to the male. When they flirt. work forces want to direct a message of strength. laterality. trustiness. and good cistrons. This is why work forces do things like whiff out their thoraxs. thin back in their chairs. and strut when they walk. Women coquette to pass on that they’re interested. and that they offer something a small better than other adult females. There is besides research that suggests that adult females flirt for some kind of â€Å"gain. † Whether that be power. or something that the male that they are chat uping with has. This is where the look â€Å"flirt to the top† stems from. When work forces and adult females flirt. they are following a predictable form of behaviour that’s similar to all worlds in romantic relationships.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Technology In Agriculture, And Its Application To The Grapes Of Wrath Essay Example For Students

Technology In Agriculture, And Its Application To The Grapes Of Wrath Essay Word Count: 308 Although technology has become a standard in todays society, it was a major cause of the Great Depression. Before the advent of the tractor, may people made their living as farmers. As seen in The Grapes of Wrath, many of these people lost their occupations and their farms due to industrialization of farming. A tractor did the work of fifteen farming families, so more and more families were put out of business by the owners of these tractors. John Steinbeck lived with migrant workers such as the Joad family before he wrote The Grapes of Wrath. We will write a custom essay on Technology In Agriculture, And Its Application To The Grapes Of Wrath specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now His fictionalization of a family forced out of the dust bowl accurately shows the effects of technology on the farming family. They were forced out of their home to make way for a large company, as was everyone else in the area. They got word of work in California, so they packed up the family into a big truck and headed West. Most of the work was already taken, and the demand for jobs was so high that it drove the wage down. The Joads had to keep moving. Big business has always been the downfall of the family business. In the 1930s, the tractor allowed smaller groups to produce greater amounts of product, and this overproduction led to price fluctuation over that period. In the case of wheat, the size of bushels shrank and the price of a bushel grew. The smaller producers who could not affort to industrialize had to cope with these lower prices, which drove them out of business. The same principle is in effect in present time; its almost akin to survival of the fittest. The ones who can adapt to the changing times will survive. .

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Civil Rights and Affirmative Action essays

Civil Rights and Affirmative Action essays Think of this, a man is ignored and shut out at work because everyone thinks he got his job because of his color. The problem is, he was more qualified than every other person, black or white, that applied for the job, and he is treated like he is not qualified. This whole situation should be avoided. Our affirmative action policies in America need to be changed. The ways that people look at each other is different in the workplace because everyone wonders if they or a co-worker has gotten their job due to affirmative action. Minorities think that affirmative action is used to help past wrongs, but whites see it as a form of reverse discrimination. People say that unqualified minorities get jobs from more qualified whites, and that is causing more qualified people to take lower-paying jobs. Since the beginning of the use of affirmative action, America has become a racially tense and a strained place to live in, since whites and minorities fail to agree on the effectiveness of this pr actice. Affirmative Action is defined by Webster's New World College Dictionary as " a policy or program for correcting the effects of discrimination in the employment or education of members of certain groups." Affirmative Action was designed to help eliminate past & present discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. This was implemented because of the discrimination that minorities received from the whites of America (Kivel 9). The actual phrase "affirmative action" was first used in President Lyndon Johnson's 1965 Executive Order 11246, which requires federal contractors to "take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin," (Lewis 15). In 1967, Johnson expanded the Executive Order to include affirmative action requirements to benefit women (Peters 43). Originally, these civil rights programs wer...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Death Penalty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Death Penalty - Essay Example Many people argue that this type of punishment is unacceptable while others argue that it is not unusual punishment and if someone can kill another human being without remorse then that person should be put to death as well. Many states set a standard in which the Death Penalty is allowed for and which crime the person has committed to get the Death Penalty. During this paper we will learn about the history and the Pros and Cons of the Death Penalty. We will also see why it works or doesn’t work and why people are for and against it. It is my belief that the Death Penalty should be for people who commit harsh crimes and kill other people. History The death penalty is a form of punishment that has been there even before Christ and has been administered by many civilized societies on wrong doers for various offences; however the first ever documented capital punishment case was that of George Kendall, in Virginia. He was a Spanish spy who was convicted in 1608. From then till pr esent, around 20,000 people (documented figure only) have been given death penalties by various courts of laws. (Acker, 2003). When the concept of state prisons was absent, fines and capital punishment were used as a means to discourage crimes and offences. The punishment was normally meted out in public so as to make an example out of it. The European law was stricter and had some 200 offences punishable by death penalty as compared to the American law in the early periods of colonization. The American law had major crimes such as murder, rape, adultery, sodomy, etc. that could result in capital punishment. Another reason for the public show of the punishment in the early years was the simple method of hanging used for the punishment which in later years was replaced by more sophisticated techniques like electric chairs and gas chambers so as to reduce the suffering of the offender. Thus with new techniques and increasing public sensitivities towards such punishments the public dis play was halted in the mid-19th century. (Acker, 2003) The 18th century also saw some changes in people’s opinion regarding the punishment and they began opposing it. Thus with time the crimes for which death penalty could be ordered were reduced and included just serious offences. The European Enlightenment era saw further criticism and the western nations started abandoning the practice with United States as the only exception. Even US law had the punishment abolished for certain period (1973-1977) but it was again legalized for certain crimes and situations (Acker, 2003). Why such serious crimes are committed? There are various reasons for which people commit crimes which are punishable with death. Offenders usually choose to commit such a big crime mainly due to revenge, grudge and greed of property. Research also reveals that murders are usually done by family members, relatives, friends, or by some known person. This may be because that person wants to take revenge from his relative/friend or is interested in his wealth etc. Moreover, as friends and relatives are mostly aware of the schedule of the person so it is easy for them to target the person (Ehrlich, 1975). Other than revenge, unemployment and poverty also result in serious crimes such as murder. The murder rate is directly proportional to the rate of unemployment and inversely proportional to the labor force participation rate (Ehrlich, 1975). Moreover,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The paper is on how leaderhship plays an important role in the movie Essay

The paper is on how leaderhship plays an important role in the movie Gladiator - Essay Example Here Maximus Decimus Meridus is seen to have evolved through all the ranks from glory to grass and back to the glory again. He was first a general, then a slave, then a gladiator and finally a hero. His evolution through all these stages bequeathed him with the charisma of a leader. He portrays the desire to see his fellow slaves set free, and his gladiators succeed to freedom without having to kill each other. His strong character and will take risks propels him to glory as a hero in Rome through conquests that he stages. He exercises the power of charisma as a leader and wins the hearts of many people including his fighters to fight for the common good of all. Leaders in the movie portray leadership through abilities of decision-making processes. In times of war, they inspire their soldiers to fight for the good of their nation. This shows that leadership should be taken as a source of inspiration. This authority helps in deriving a persons authority in a group. Leadership in this context is seen as an exercise of power, the power of information is used to exact control upon the people. Information is only spread at specific times under the control of the King or the ruler. Information gathering through spying and its dissemination among the power elites enables the ruler to stay on top of issues. He makes sure that he is well informed as a leader of every situation that is going own within his territory. Leadership in this movie is also strengthened much through the power of relationships. Leaders have established both formal and informal networks both within and without their territories. Leadership is strengthened by the appreciation of the power of expertise. Leaders rely so much on the council of senators and other influential figures including the most talented gladiators. These experts are used either in the development of specialized knowledge are being communicated

Sunday, November 17, 2019

EU LAW Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

EU LAW - Coursework Example In this regards, Article 21 states that there should not be any discrimination with respect to religion, colour, cultural or social origin, generic features, language, political faith, minority, property, disability, age and gender (Pearson Education, n.d.). Principles of Directive 2004/38 Article 6 denotes that EU Citizens have the right of residence on the area of other EU member nations for a period up to three month (Europa, 2004). Hence, considering the principles stated in Article 6 of EU Law, as an EU citizen, Sally has the right to reside in Spain for employment purposes for three months. However, if Sally desires to remain in Spain for over 3 months, there is a need for registering herself with any of the relevant governmental bodies in the region such as â€Å"town hall† or â€Å"local police station†. ... The Directive principles have also been pursued for eliminating needless limitations on the â€Å"Free Movement of Workers†. This directive principle has perpetually narrowed the pathway for employees, so that they can search for work in any other EU nations. On the basis of Directive 2004/38/EC, the people of EU can authorise their existence in any of the EU nations within a rational and unbiased span of time. However, depending on the duration to reside in foreign nations, other procedures also require to be fulfilled (European Parliament, n.d.). Case 48/75 Royer under Directive 2004/38 -14(4) (b) The case of Royer provides significant insight about the free movement of workers. The case agrees that freedom of institution of self-employed person and autonomy to offer services are all reinforced by the injunction of discrimination with respect to nationality. In the case, it has been depicted that freedom of employees depend on the similar principles as they concern the entry and reside into other EU nation which has been considered within the community regulations and the preventions of all judgements which is majorly based on racial differences (Tovey, 2003). Article 18 TFEU The subject matter of Article 18 TFEU is to implement initiatives with the aim to combat discrimination on the basis of nationality. To be precise, this article states that the right of individuals will not be differentiated with respect to race which is considered as the fundamental principle of EU law (Pearson Education, n.d.). Article 6 of Regulation 1612/68 In the year 1968, the â€Å"Council of European Communities† sanctioned â€Å"Council

Friday, November 15, 2019

Comparing Of The Presidencies Of Obama And Bush Politics Essay

Comparing Of The Presidencies Of Obama And Bush Politics Essay The founding of the American nation was largely dependent on the opinions of two groups of people based on their views and opinions regarding the constitution at the time. It was age whereby the citizens of America had just begun to recover from the effect of civil war and the constitution was a largely debated area as each group of people had interests in it. The two groups of people now referred to as federalists and anti-federalists wanted each of their concerns to be noted and certain parts of the constitution, which in their opinion was not fair, amended. Thus the two groups formed the basis of the two major political parties in the United States, The Republicans and The Democrats. This paper therefore shall compare the presidencies of two presidents, President elect Barrack Obama and his predecessor George W. Bush. It shall analyze their actions while in office, both economic and domestic, their effects and try to make comparisons with the views of the founding federalists and anti-federalists. Furthermore, it shall try to conclude which president fits into which mold; whether they are anti-federalists or federalists. George W. Bush ran for presidency in the year 2000 and termed himself a passionate conservative. With reference to foreign policy he heavily criticized the actions of Al Gore in sending U.S troops for peace-keeping missions that he deemed were not vital to national interest. However, at the same time he was pushing for more funding for the Pentagon and was seen calling for more action and tougher posture against  ¿Ã‚ ½rogue ¿Ã‚ ½ countries such as Iraq and North Korea. One of the goals in the bush presidency was to accelerate progress on deregulating industry and implementing tax reductions in an attempt to weaken the federal government thus strengthening the conservative agenda. The administration relied on executive authority to relax the workplace as well as the environmental regulations. Bush sought to weaken the fiscal, standing of the Treasury and to roll back those areas of the government that were most vulnerable politically. The effect of this was powerful as the tax cuts distributed government benefits to Americans, rich and wealthy, which constituted a core part of the Republican coalition. Bush reflected in his practices the policies used by former republican presidents, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. The policies involved placing politically motivated administrators with vested interests in important positions. These administrators were unsympathetic to the programs they managed and thus were ruthless when doing their work. An effect of this was a range of new advisory bodies developed around the presidency, many of which complemented the main cabinet departments, with the cabinet declining in influence. The National Security Council and the Office of Management and Budget are prime examples. The attacks on the World Trade Centre on September 11 2001 offered Bush an opportunity to establish his political credibility, to reassert presidential leadership and to defend the interests of the United States. Through the event of the United States bombing in 9/11, Bush pushed aggressively for the use of executive-centered national security programs. Such programs involved the expansion of interrogation techniques including torture, which broke the national precedent and ignored international laws on detainee treatment. After the 9/11 event Bush announced an all-out war on terrorism and ordered the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. As the United States entered recession in 2007, the bush administration through the enactment of several economic programs took a more direct control of the United States economy in an attempt to preserve the country ¿Ã‚ ½s financial system. These policies included among others implementing a 170 billion economic stimulus package which aimed at sending tax rebate checks to Americans and providing tax breaks for struggling businesses. However, the policies were ill-equipped to deal with the looming financial crisis in what is termed to be the longest recession after World War 2 in history. The Presidency of Barrack Obama Obama, within his first 100 days set up to gather up support for his economic stimulus package otherwise known as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. He further put through Congress the expanded State Health Insurance program. Furthermore, his administration was able to put into law the Ledbetter law which requires equal pay for women in all sectors. The obama administration is also credited with legislating health care reforms. This was done through winning the approval of the congress on a budget resolution regarding the matter. In his campaign and since Obama has heavily criticized the bush administration for ignoring the situation there and focusing too much on Iraq. At the onset of his campaign, Obama promised to withdraw all United States troops from Iraq, within 16 months, though he has laxed on this view, his actions seem to be more anti-war and catious. Analysts have commented that Obama ¿Ã‚ ½s view on United States emphasis being on Afghanistan as a politically correct stand on the issue. Moreover, the Obama administration broke supported the United Nations declaration on sexual orientation and gender identity and relaxed the enforcement on marijuana laws. It also lifted the ban on embryonic stem research put in place since the Bush administration. Obama also ordered the closure of the Guatanamo bay detention camp in Cuba which was notorious for the infringement of human and detainee rights. Comparison of the two presidents with the federalists and anti-federalists views When comparing the presidencies of the Bush and Obama administrations against the federalists and anti-federalist views it is important to consider what these people based their views on. The Anti-federalists were of the opinion, at the time of founding, that Congress and the executive b ranch of the government wielded too much power. They were also of the opinion that vthe constitution gave too much national power at the expense of the state governments. Additionally they were displeased by the lack of a bill of human rights within the constitution. The federalists, on the other hand responded that the separation of powers into three independent branches protected the rights of the people. Each branch was in fact representing a different aspect of the people and as all three were equal, there was fair say among all the branches and thus equity among the people. With this perspective in mind, we can now compare the two presidents. Former president Bush was largely conservative and this was evident through the socio-economic problems that his administration ¿Ã‚ ½s actions caused. Thus it can be seen that he would largely fit in with the anti-federalist group. Furthermore, his actions to weaken the federal government so as to strengthen the conservative side of the government wing show that he is more anti-federalist than a federalist. President Obama, however, would more fit in with the federalist group. His actions largely bordering on developing policies that benefit all Americans equally show a federalist nature. His call to strengthen the federal government and his actions of abandoning the Bush administration policies further reinforce this fact. Though it can be seen that through his action, President Obama is setting into the mold of a federalist it is still too young in his presidential term to conclude on the issue. Conclusion Though neither president exactly fits into the mould of either federalists or anti-federalists, it can be summarized that through their actions during their term of presidency, George. W. Bush was more of an anti-federalist and President elect Barrack Obama more of a federalist.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Alcohol Abuse in College

Alcohol abuse in the college students is an important public health concern especially in today’s media-oriented era. Nearly everyday we hear about new pharmaceuticals, drug clubs, HIV and aids, and the effects of alcohol abuse, and most of us have some personal experiences with these issue: through family, friends, or co workers (Ksir et al., 2006).College life is a period of achieving independence, experimentation, and taking risks. A crucial type of experimentation associated with college students is the alcohol use and abuse. One of the many challenges that college students face is the decision about whether to use alcohol or not. A lot of normal students experiment with alcohol; however, many college students progress past experimentation and become alcohol abuser. Alcohol abuses do develop problems and that substantially affect the college students activities and their future adult lives.This paper provides a deeper understanding about the issue on alcohol abuse particul arly in college students and to examine their collegiate drinking experiences in relation to family backgrounds.Review of Related LiteratureMost college students are exposed to substances such as alcohol and marijuana at some point in their young lives and subsequently make decisions about their use of them. One important source of information on the prevalence of adolescents alcohol use comes from the Monitoring the Future National Results on Adolescent Drug Use: Overview of Findings, 2002 (MTF) study (Johnston et al, 2003).MTF is a longitudinal research project that has consistently collected data on the reported use of substances in national samples of adolescents since 1975, and the data from the MTF provide a reasonable picture of the level of substance use for adolescents across the United States. According to this study, the most frequently reported drugs used by adolescents in each grade were alcohol. The data on lifetime use provide an estimate of the number of adolescents who have experimented with a particular substance. Alcohol drinking was reported as being the most used substance across all adolescents in the sample.For example, more than 70% of college students reported having used alcohol in their lifetime, and almost 50% reported using alcohol in the past month. The above data clearly indicate that many college students report an experimental use (Johnston et al, 2003).An emerging body of research on children of alcoholics documents persistent negative consequences of parental alcohol abuse on drinking. A majority of existing of these studies are limited by their focus on families who seek treatment or who come to the attention of the health and legal systems, thus neglecting other children of alcoholics who may not have behavioral, emotional, or substance abuse problems (Russell et. al , 1985).The literature of children of alcoholics is further limited by the fact that there has been very little research on collegiate children of alcoholics, a group that has been academically successful despite any negative effects of family alcohol abuse. Yet there maybe tendency for children of alcoholics to begin problem drinking in late adolescence, the age at which most students begin college.Indeed, Pandina and Johnson’s (1989) longitudinal research on general population of New Jersey adolescents (ages 12-21) suggested that the negative effects of an alcoholic family on one’s own drinking may not emerge until late adolescence (18-21).This tendency might be intensified on entering the college environment, where academic pressures can be severe, where adolescents are struggling with the development of an adult identity, and where alcohol use is often a prominent feature of social occasions. Yet despite an extensive literature on alcohol use among college students in general, only few studies have attempted to examine the approximate size, drinking patterns, or alcohol-related problems of collegiate children of alcoholi cs.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Jim Crow Essay

C. Vann Woodward’s book The Strange Career of Jim Crow is a close look at the struggles of the African American community from the time of Reconstruction to the Civil Rights Movement. The book portrays a scene where the Negroes are now free men after being slaves on the plantations and their adaptation to life as being seen as free yet inferior to the White race and their hundred year struggle of becoming equals in a community where they have always been seen as second class citizens. To really understand the motivation of C. Vann Woodward’s motives of his book, The Strange Career of Jim Crow, one must look at Mr.  Woodward’s life. Comer Vann Woodward was born and raised in Vanndale, AK in Cross County on November 13, 1908. The town was named after his mother’s aristocratic family. He attended Henderson- Brown College in Arkadelphia, AK for two years before transferring to Emory University in Atlanta, GA in 1930, where he graduated. He received his PHD in history at the University of North Carolina and after he took graduate classes at Columbia University where he was introduced and influenced by the Harlem Renaissance. Woodward taught at Johns Hopkins University from 1946-61 and at Yale University from 1961-67. He won the Pulitzer Prize in 1982 for Mary Chestnut’s Civil War and won the Bancroft Prize for Origins of the New South*. It was when he was teaching at Johns Hopkins when he wrote the book, The Strange Career of Jim Crow. It was during the court ruling of Brown vs Board of Education in 1954 that Woodward started his lectures, which lead to his book, at the University of Virginia. His audience was more or less surprised about the race relations of the old south during reconstruction; most thought that the two races have always been separated with hatred. Woodward argues that the Jim Crow laws of the 1890s were a new concept of separating the two races. Throughout slavery and during the reconstruction period, the two races were fully integrated working on economics and political problems; the separation of the two races would lead to an insufficient and ineffective plantation. â€Å"The typical dwelling of a slave-owning family was a walled compound shared by both master and slave families. Neither non-slaveholding whites nor free Negroes escaped this ntimacy, for they were ‘sprinkled through most parts of town and surrounded by people of both races’† (14). The same relations remained true during the Reconstruction era when the blacks started to urbanize in the south. Woodward goes on to say that the â€Å"blacks and whites lived side by side, sharing the same premises if not equal facilities and living constantly in each other’s presence† (14). The good relations of the south turned sour when conflicts between the whites over economic troubles heightened in the late 1870s. the determination of the Negro’s ‘place’ took shape gradually under the influence of economic and political conflicts among divided white people- conflicts that were eventually resolved in part at the expense of the Negro† (6). The Negro at the time became the scapegoat for all of America’s economic strife. Many thought it best if they separated themselves from the Negro then all would be better. Hence the Jim Crow laws started to form on the segregation of the two races and then court cases followed in suit, aka Plessy vs Ferguson in 1896 which ruled â€Å"separate but equal†. Ironically the south is known for the most racism but most cities were reluctant in to enforce legal separation of the races. In New Orleans, whites and blacks gathered freely at public events and even many had sexual relations with one another resulting in an influx of mulattos in that area (15-16). Racism did in fact take place in mostly rural areas. â€Å"An excessive squeamishness or fussiness about contact with Negroes was commonly identified as a lower class white attitude, while opposite attitude was popularly identified with ‘the quality’ (50). It was within these rural lower classes that extreme racism was formed involving white supremacy groups such as the Ku Klux Klan. As political parties started to shift in the mid 1880s, more conservative Democrats took the scene and strictly enforced the laws of segregation. The Republicans were the ones in support of more tolerant and equal society. The mentality of if one thing is separate then they all have to be took precedent during this time. With the shift of political parties, the segregation of the blacks from the whites heightened and the individual rights a Negro had were limited. Blacks were discouraged to vote and separation of the two races became almost total with separate modes of transportation to separate drinking fountains. After the Progressive era and the New Deal, integration was a thought in higher education. Colleges started to let Negro students attend white universities because the separation of the races at school was infringing on their fourteenth amendment rights (144). Even though theses students did not attend the university for all four years, it was progress that helped lead up to the 1954 case of Brown vs Board of Education. The school boards argued that â€Å"’Segregation of white and colored children in public schools has a detrimental effect on colored children’, for it ‘generates a feeling of inferiority as to their status in the community that may affect their hearts and minds in a way unlikely ever to be undone’† (147). The ruling of integration of public schools was monumental for the blacks at that time. After trying to fight racism and limitations of their individual rights, the blacks could finally be more equal then they had been in the eyes of the law. When Woodward presented his lectures at the University of Virginia, which subsequently led to his book, it was right after the ruling of Brown vs Board of Education. He insisted that his audience would be integrated as well so he spoke to not only students, faculty and dignitary of the university but he also spoke to local blacks and whites of the community. His lectures received mix reviews; some older, more conservative members of the university were shocked and appalled by Woodward’s comments of pro-integration, while others were intrigued. For them, the white Southern professor’s message was a challenge to the assumption that race relations had been immutably fixed over the course of Southern history† (224). Woodward also argued that the south was always changing and something that limited the rights of blacks in the 1890s was to turn around in the 1950s to something better. When The Strange Career of Jim Crow was released nationally, America did not agree with Woodward’s idea that it was time for a change, â€Å"segregation was ore firmly embraced than ever† (225). Whites did not approve of the ruling of the integration of schools so they protested and sometimes rioted when the government tried to integrate some of the schools. States such as Georgia put the confederate flag back on their state flag in defiance of the new laws (225). Blacks protested in comparison. After the arrest of Rosa Parks not wanting to give up her seat to a white man, the Civil Rights Movement launched its campaign of civil and equal liberties lead by Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. When this book was originally published in 1955, Rev King called it â€Å"the historical bible of the Civil Rights Movement†. I believe that the main reason behind King’s statement was that the movement was on the front page of every newspaper for over a decade that when the book did come out, Woodward looked at the struggle of the Negro in a historical sense and not putting blame on a specific race, but on certain decisions some legislators made that forced America to head in the direction of segregation. Woodward presented a historical and non threatening story which gave reason to the Civil Rights Movement. The blacks liked it because it showed the persecution they had to endure for so long and the perseverance they maintained throughout that time and the whites bought the book because it helped explain what was going on at that moment in time. No doubt that this book is an important historical document that helped a nation through one if its more difficult times in history.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Abandon the Use of Cellular Phones essays

Abandon the Use of Cellular Phones essays In this new age of technology, it is incredibly common to see someone with a cellular phone in their hand whether walking across a street, driving in an automobile or buying a brand new one at a local wireless phone company. Seemingly, there are now well over 140 million cellular phone users around the world (Sundeen, 2003). The handheld device is convenient for those who need to call ahead if they are running late for an appointment, to make an emergency phone call or to have a simple conversation. Despite the convenience factor of wireless phones, there are intriguing ramifications such as aircraft malfunctioning, automobile accidents and health issues that should lead to the diminishing of cellular phones. Warned by many airline companies, one of the problems caused by cellular phones is the interference with the aircrafts communication and navigation systems. It was not until the year 2000 when all airline companies ban the use of cellular phones. The law restriction was forced primarily because of an air crash of the flight number LX 498 Crossair (Saab 340), a private aircraft, which killed 10 people on board. The speculation was that it was caused by an SMS message received by a passenger and a cellular phone call. Data was misinterpreted which led to a crash (Murtazin t pose much of a problem if something did occur like the events of fli...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Dr. MLK Jr. essays

Dr. MLK Jr. essays Martin Luther King Jr.s Letter from Birmingham Jail, was very persuasive to a wide variety of audiences. Not only did he directly address the writers of the newspaper article, but included fellow African Americans with their struggle to gain acceptance. What makes this letter persuasive, is the amount of examples and situations described by Martin Luther King Jr. King also gains credibility by citing these sources without a history book, using only his own intellect that shows that he is not just your average man. Martin Luther King Jr. directed his letter to the white clergymen of Birmingham, in a response to their newspaper article criticizing him for his actions. At the beginning Martin Luther King Jr. states that he is in Birmingham for three reasons. I along with several members of my staff, am here because I was invited here. I am here because I have organizational ties here. But more basically, I am in Birmingham because injustice is here.(King, Pg.2) King has gone to where injustice is, and he is carrying the word of freedom with him, Just as the prophets of the eighth century BC left their villages and carried their thus saith the lord far beyond the boundaries of their home towns.(King, Pg.2) With that statement he is reaching to the religious part of the clergymen, stating that he is just like the ancient prophets, building his ethos with his audience. Martin Luther King uses historical examples to prove his point, using logos which most intellectuals can understand, and then uses examples for any African American can understand. In paragraph 16, King talks about St. Thomas Aquinas and his definition of an unjust law. Any law that degrades human personality is unjust.(King, Pg.3) In Paragraph 21, In the refusal of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to obey the laws of Nebuchadnezzar, on the grou ...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Health and Wellness in Saudi Arabia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Health and Wellness in Saudi Arabia - Essay Example This paper tells that in Saudi Arabia they did not take a lot of medicines. Instead, they were served a healthy diet all the time. They also played a lot outside by running and playing sports and that served as their daily exercise. These basic things have shaped t beliefs about health and wellness. I once had a classmate in school who was very sickly. He would miss school often and when he came back, he would be very thin. I learned he had Cancer. My classmates and I were very surprised because we thought Cancer only struck old people. My teacher then had to explain that Cancer does not choose any age or gender or even status in life. She reminded us to take care of our bodies well so that there is less likelihood of contracting diseases. That got me more health-conscious. I kept myself clean all the time, made healthy choices in my eating and exercised every day. Coming to America, I realized just how different the culture is and how Americans regard health. I come from a country w here there is a limited choice of food as compared to here in the US where fast food restaurants abound. I look around me and see various kinds of diseases resulting from eating food loaded with calories and preservatives. On the other hand, I also discovered how fortunate Americans are because they are provided with health coverage from their government. Healthcare here is much more advanced than in Saudi Arabia. I also observed that children also play, but their kind of recreation is mostly done indoors, with video games. Television also plays a huge role in their lives that they spend so much time in front of it while munching on snacks. Thus, they do not get enough physical activity and become prone to being overweight or even obese. The adults, on the other hand, seem to be obsessed with fitness, as seen in popular shows like â€Å"The Biggest Loser†. Exercise videos and a whole lot of gadgets that promise a sexier and more fit body to abound in advertisements. Numerous diets have been developed such as the Atkins diet, South beach diet, the GM diet and so many more. Sometimes, these diets contradict each other in recommending which foods to eat or avoid that people get confused about what is the truth. Thinking about these things convince me that good health practices should start from childhood. If children have been trained to eat healthily, engage in exercise or more physical activities instead of just being entertained passively by electronic media, then they do not grow up to be adults who are obsessed to regaining their health and fitness. For me, health and wellness can easily be achieved by not only caring for the body with good food, exercise, enough sleep and maintaining one’s hygiene well. One should also consider caring for his mind and heart. This means feeding the mind with good thoughts, ideas, and information from books, shows or worthy and sensible and worthy conversations with people. Right now, I have no problems with tha t, being a student. I am learning so much from my courses as well as from discussions with my peers. In terms of caring for one’s heart, I do not mean just physically, but to keep the heart happy as well. This can be achieved by having harmonious relationships with others and keeping peace with them instead of drawing up negative emotions and stress. Having no enemies and keeping a positive outlook in life truly brings about wellness. My current perspective about health and wellness has been influenced by my parents and teachers in Saudi Arabia who all served to be good role models to me by living healthy lives and having positive dispositions. I am grateful to my parents, for raising me with good health practices, and my teachers for stressing the importance of good health.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Pictures of Everyday Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Pictures of Everyday Life - Essay Example Generally speaking, the following represents human culture-- stories, beliefs, media, ideas, and works of art, religious practices, fashions, rituals, specialized knowledge, and common sense (Butler 1-23). However, so as to comprehend fully people's relationships with each other and to social establishments, it is vital to understand the structure of society. Fundamentally, people define themselves in terms of cultures and societies and employ these characterizations as determinants of social interface, groups and organizations and deviant behavior. A classic definition, depicts culture as "the totality of learned, socially transmitted customs, knowledge, material objects, and behavior; likewise, it includes the ideas, values, customs, and artifacts of groups of people" (Schaeffer 51). However, patterns of culture per se do not offer an unambiguous perception and understanding of the idea of culture; as it is, culture is a lot more than just the object or behavior. Basically, culture also deals with standards, principles, viewpoints, or significant representations. Approximately, standards are actually the way people conduct themselves in a given society, principles are what they consider as cherished opinions, beliefs are how people think the whole world operates, and significant representations are symbols, usually representing social norms, values, and beliefs themselves (Matthew 3). Going back to the restaurant scenario, a serious observer can now begin to contemplate and ponder on questions like -- what is the structure of this particular society in its entirety Or what are its constituents and the relationships between elements What is the significance of change Where does this social order stand in the accounts of human history What will it give to make the meaning of humanity more evocative and consequential More importantly, what are its crucial facets and how do they vary from those of times past gone What types of men and women now prevail in this civilization and in this epoch If we try to seize the different "behavioral landscapes" in that restaurant and let them "freeze" for a moment, then perhaps "photography" can be used to briefly capture the sociology of everyday life. By taking photographs of societal circumstances and by construing existing photographic images, significant "meanings" can be had, the kind of understanding that is not commonly obtained in most situations. At the outset, it elevates people's sensitivities and their process of forming insights to social circumstances because now, passive seeing has been substituted - passive seeing is when countless muddled and frenzied notions fleetingly drift before people's very eyes -- but by

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Risks in Becoming Oneself in Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 5

Risks in Becoming Oneself in Society - Essay Example The first risk that is related to becoming oneself is related to the culture and the surrounding pressures that are in each environment. This comes from the pressures that others place on you, specifically which can cause one to lose their true self. In my instance, I find that there is a lot of pressure that comes from different social groups. The first social group that tries to define my personal identity is the peer group that I am surrounded by. Going to college is one that automatically changes this peer identity and leads into a definition from the old group to the newer groups that are into different activities and concepts. However, neither of these groups can truly identify the personality and the true self. Understanding which parts of my identity fit into this group, as well as which I have to overcome, both create a different risk. Some of the risks is one that is established with my choices of identity and what will be accepted, while others relate to what doesn’ t fit into groups and how to approach this within different groups. The second concept that applies to my identity and the way that it is redefined by different social groups is with the family and surrounding friends in different age groups. Most of the relations that I have outside of school and from the college environment are older than I am. This is related to the identity that most expect me to have at the age of 17, as well as how this relates to the expectations of the age, culture, and understanding at this age. Family and older acquaintances often assume that I will act or be a specific way, which causes a loss of respect. This identity is one that continuously has to be battled and approached with changed attitudes so the idea of my age doesn’t interfere with the inner belief of who I am.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Romanticism in American Lit Essay Example for Free

Romanticism in American Lit Essay anRomanticism in American Literature brought us some of the worlds greatest writers ever to live. Writers such as Edgar Allan Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Henry David Thoreau all wrote during the Romanticism period. Without them we would not have stories such Moby Dick, Resistance to Civil Government, The American Scholar, The Scarlet Letter, and Edgar Allan Poe’s most notorious works such as The Raven and Annabel lee. The Romanticism movement started in Europe and in the late 1820’s it worked its way into America. It was aimed as a rebellion against the enlightenment movement. It was also referred to as the American Renaissance because it was the rebirth of literary values lost previously in the enlightenment era and Puritanism era. American Romanticism was in a broad sense a new attitude toward nature, humanity, and society that espoused individualism and freedom. Characteristics of romanticism writing included the power of imagination, impulse towards reform, admiration for nature, and the fascination with death and the supernatural. Romanticism literature had two very different sides to it, one being optimistic and the other is pessimistic. On the optimistic side you had writers such as Walt Whitman, Margaret Fuller, Henry David Thoreau, and Ralph Waldo Emerson. Pessimistic writers included Edgar Allen Poe, Herman Melville, and Nathaniel Hawthorne. Edgar Allan Poe was a very dark romanticist and was also a very deeply pessimistic writer, but in a philosophical kind of way. He wrote poems, novels, and essays throughout his writing career, and he even developed the style of southern gothic writing. His poems often portray a character in despair and he explores the state of the mind a lot. Another trait of Poe is he uses a lot of symbolism and imagery for example his use of darkness and light in the poem â€Å"Annabel Lee†. Poe implies that the â€Å"kingdom by the sea† is a bright, cheerful place where the sun shines on two young lovers, the narrator and Annabel Lee. Ironically, in another realm of dazzling light–heaven–the highest order of angels, the Seraphim grow dark with envy of the young couple. Under cover of night, they send a cold wind that kills Annabel Lee: The wind came out of the cloud by night, Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee. But the narrator says he remains in a realm of light, for his soul and the soul of Annabel Lee are one. In the last couple lines, Poe emphasizes this point with light imagery: â€Å"For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams, Of the beautiful Annabel Lee; And the stars never rise but I feel the bright eyes, Of the beautiful Annabel Lee† (679). Poe’s writing goes down in history for being some of the best literary works to ever come out of this period in American literature. Poe was a pessimistic writer on the other hand was Henry David Thoreau who was a very optimistic writer. One quote a found from Thoreau was just to â€Å"love your life†. In his essay â€Å"Resistance to Civil Government† he shows his rebellion in committing to governments values and ideas. Is very clearly stated at the beginning when Thoreau says â€Å"The Government is best which governs least† (829). Thoreau was a strong believer of take action for our own principles and to start thinking for ourselves and if you want change make it happen if you think it’s right. Ultimately he was jailed for his beliefs. Those including not believing for paying for stuff that didn’t benefit people and also for not supporting the Mexican American war, but Thoreau said to make changes sometimes good people have to go to jail. The romanticism period came to an end in the mid 1860’s, and In conclusion the romanticism period in America was a chance for writers to break out of the cookie cutter mold of previous era’s and a chance for writers to get their views and ideas out to the world through their literature. Romanticism writing can be broken up into eight different key ideas. Individualism is the idea that every person on earth knows God in their own way, and we will find truth for ourselves. Emerson and Melville often fall into the category of individualism. Organicism is the concept that society or the universe is comparable to a biological organism, as in development or organization, everything is connected. Unity and diversity stated that things are made up of many parts, but they all come together to make a one whole object. Dynamic change is the idea that the whole world brought us to this one moment yet the world is in a constant state of change. Imagination, originality, emotional, and finally nature.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Problems Of Philosophy, by Bertrand Russell :: The Problems Of Philosophy Essays

The value of Philosophy is, in fact, to be sought largely in its uncertainty. The man who has no tincture of Philosophy goes through life imprisoned in the prejudices derived from common sense, from the habitual beliefs of his age or his nation, and from the convictions which have grown up in his mind without the co-operation of his deliberate reason. Bertrand Russell, The Problems of Philosophy. Philosophy is commonly thought of as an activity reserved for Oxbridge high- brows; or a sort of intellectual table-tennis indulged in by the Ancient Greeks to while the time away before television came along. Russell suggests that it may actually serve a purpose for everyone. In the first line, Russell is clearly contrasting his own belief in the inherent uncertainty of philosophy with the attitude of those people who dedicate their lives to a search for the "right" theory, in an attempt to understand the "truth" about human nature. He argues that, were a philosopher to write the perfect, unanswerable theory, the solution to life, the universe and everything, then philosophy would itself become responsible for inducing the very mental laziness which it should help us to avoid. Disagreement and debate between the adherents of rival theories is, moreover, essential to the health of philosophy. Just as many major advances of science are catalysed by war, so the great intellectual insights are sparked by discussion. If there were universal agreement on one philosophical theory, then all further thought would be rendered useless. (See p.319, Small World by David Lodge: "†¦what matters in the field of critical practice is not truth but difference. If everybody were convinced by your arguments, they would have to do the same as you and then there would be no satisfaction in doing it.") Russell talks of three different factors involved in the formation of prejudice. Each is considered in detail below. The first type of prejudice is derived from common sense. This is interesting: it appears that Russell is suggesting that common sense is to be avoided. The Concise Oxford Dictionary defines common sense as "sound, practical sense, especially in everyday matters". In theory, any sound sense is to be welcomed, where appropriate; the distinction to be made here is between applying common sense to mundane problems, which Russell would certainly not advise against, and taking it out of context as a set of rules which can be followed without any further thought, no matter what the circumstances. For example, if you are feeling hungry, and you are holding a biscuit, then a philosophical debate is not required to reach the conclusion that you eat the biscuit: it's common sense. The Problems Of Philosophy, by Bertrand Russell :: The Problems Of Philosophy Essays The value of Philosophy is, in fact, to be sought largely in its uncertainty. The man who has no tincture of Philosophy goes through life imprisoned in the prejudices derived from common sense, from the habitual beliefs of his age or his nation, and from the convictions which have grown up in his mind without the co-operation of his deliberate reason. Bertrand Russell, The Problems of Philosophy. Philosophy is commonly thought of as an activity reserved for Oxbridge high- brows; or a sort of intellectual table-tennis indulged in by the Ancient Greeks to while the time away before television came along. Russell suggests that it may actually serve a purpose for everyone. In the first line, Russell is clearly contrasting his own belief in the inherent uncertainty of philosophy with the attitude of those people who dedicate their lives to a search for the "right" theory, in an attempt to understand the "truth" about human nature. He argues that, were a philosopher to write the perfect, unanswerable theory, the solution to life, the universe and everything, then philosophy would itself become responsible for inducing the very mental laziness which it should help us to avoid. Disagreement and debate between the adherents of rival theories is, moreover, essential to the health of philosophy. Just as many major advances of science are catalysed by war, so the great intellectual insights are sparked by discussion. If there were universal agreement on one philosophical theory, then all further thought would be rendered useless. (See p.319, Small World by David Lodge: "†¦what matters in the field of critical practice is not truth but difference. If everybody were convinced by your arguments, they would have to do the same as you and then there would be no satisfaction in doing it.") Russell talks of three different factors involved in the formation of prejudice. Each is considered in detail below. The first type of prejudice is derived from common sense. This is interesting: it appears that Russell is suggesting that common sense is to be avoided. The Concise Oxford Dictionary defines common sense as "sound, practical sense, especially in everyday matters". In theory, any sound sense is to be welcomed, where appropriate; the distinction to be made here is between applying common sense to mundane problems, which Russell would certainly not advise against, and taking it out of context as a set of rules which can be followed without any further thought, no matter what the circumstances. For example, if you are feeling hungry, and you are holding a biscuit, then a philosophical debate is not required to reach the conclusion that you eat the biscuit: it's common sense.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Homosexuality Is Not a Psychological Disorder

In the past, homosexuality was considered to be a psychological disorder, up until the APA removed it from its list of mental illnesses. This was due to the fact that homosexuality causes no form of impairment on the individual’s judgment, stability, reliability, or general social and or vocational abilities. This decision made over 30 years ago, has caused a lot of criticism, many believe that the APA’s decision was made due to the amount of influence that the homosexual activism and not according to the scientific data that was collected. There are two possible sides to this assumption about whether or not homosexuality is and should be considered a psychological disorder. According to an article published in the Scientific Controversies: Case Studies in the Resolution and Closure of Disputes in Science and Technology, edited by H. Tristam Engelhardt Jr. , and Arthur Caplan, Cambridge U. Press, 1987. Dr. Irving Bieber, described the attempts for psychiatry to adopt a new perspective regarding sexual normality. During this time the psychiatric professions were moving from the established psychoanalytic theories based on unconscious motivations, in which they claimed that if you cannot visible see distress, dysfunction, and or disability among psychological conditions then it isn’t seen as being disordered. Dr. Bieber while attempting to describe the difficulty of classifying homosexuality concluded that homosexuality was not a normal sexual adaptation. When the APA adapted a new set of criteria for defining psychological disorders, Bieber argued that psychopathology, which could possible show signs of distress, social functioning, and the ability to work effectively could be present in psychopathology. Many others agree that homosexuality is indeed a psychological disorder, and argue that it actually stems from unhappiness in the family that leads to more unhappiness throughout their lives. Many individuals refer to it not being God’s will thus it is constituted as abnormal, thus it is a mental disorder. On the other hand, homosexuality is defined as being attracted to or aroused by individuals of the same sex. Homosexuality is considered not to be a mental disorder due to the fact that their actions don’t impair their ability to function either at work or in their personal lives. Homosexuality doesn’t have an effect on their ability to function or hinder their ability to handle their responsibilities at work, nor does it prevent them from being able to create and maintain long lasting and healthy personal relationships. Homosexuals are just as psychologically healthy as any heterosexual is. The infamous Sigmund Freud and Havelock Ellis adopted a more accepting stance regarding homosexuality. Ellis in 1901, argued that homosexuality was inborn thus it wasn’t immoral, that it wasn’t truly a disease, and many homosexuals had contributed outstandingly in society. Sigmund Freud had another stance about homosexuality, and that was that he felt that all human beings were innately bisexual, and those they actually become either homosexual or heterosexual as the result of their past experiences with their parents and others. Either way Freud agreed with Ellis that homosexuality shouldn’t be viewed as a form of pathology. In a very famous letter that Freud wrote to a mother back in 1935, he stated that homosexuality cannot be considered as an illness, and that he considered it to be a variation of sexual function produced by certain area of sexual development. He then went on to note that many highly respectable figures throughout both ancient and modern times have been homosexual including Plato and Leonardo Da Vinci. In 1957, psychologist Evelyn Hooker conducted a study in which she asked if homosexuals and heterosexuals differed in their psychological adjustments. She then recruited a group of homosexuals who were considered to be functioning normally in society. Then she employed a procedure asking experts to rate the adjustment among the men without previously knowing their sexual orientation. Her study concluded that homosexuality was in no way a clinical entity nor was it associated with psychopathology. In conclusion, Homosexuality is not a psychological disorder. The APA’s board of directors chose to remove it from the DSM- IV- TR, due to the great deal of data collected, along with the changing among social norms and the development of homosexual and gay activist organizations. We have to also take into consideration that by labeling homosexuality we quickly are exhibiting discrimination against those individuals. There is nothing in regards to homosexuality that would cause a great deal of distress and or cause them impairment in their ability to function normally. Their sexual preference shouldn’t be considered as a being a psychological disorder. The fact that an individual prefers the same gender doesn’t mean at all that they have a mental illness, it doesn’t affect their ability to be outstanding members in society, nor does it directly hinder their ability to unction. Psychological disorders are defined as the individuals behavior or thoughts that impacts their life altogether and as causing a significant amount of distress for the individual. Homosexuality does not mean distress for these individuals, it is merely preference. If homosexuality was considered to be a psychological disorder, we take away the right to privacy after a ll sexuality is private; we would also be taking away the right to happiness, the right for them to make their own choices, the right for them to be them. How can the choice that they choose to make in their private life that doesn’t have any effect on their ability to function nor does it cause distress to them be considered a psychological disorder? They are not seen as being harmful to themselves or others by living their life the way that they choose to. Their sexual preference has no effect on how their psychological functioning, thus homosexuality is not a psychological disorder. It doesn’t affect their ability to think, feel, act, and the ability for them to become functioning members of society. Reference